Sony has announced a new State of Play presentation on Thursday, July 8. Sony announced a new State of Play presentation for Thursday, July 8. A few third-party and indie games will be updated during the short showcase. This is how you can watch the stream, and what you can realistically expect from it.What is the State of Play?PlayStation's July State Of Play begins at 2 p.m. PST on Thursday, June 8. It is also confirmed that the game will last for 30 minutes with nine minutes devoted entirely to Deathloop.Where can you watch the State of PlayThe State of Play, like all PlayStation streams, will be available for viewing on both PlayStation's official Twitch channel and YouTube channels. It will be available for viewers to either view it live or watch the entire video after it airs.What will you see at the State of PlayBethesdas' upcoming Deathloop is the star of this month's State of Play. This nine-minute gameplay demo will showcase some of the game's abilities, combat strategies, and options on Blackreef, the island where the game takes places.Updates of third-party and indie games will also be available, but Sony did not specify which games beyond Deathloop.What will not be shown at State of Play?Sony fans have plenty to look forward too, but it's not a good idea to expect any surprises when you go to the show. Sony announced in a blog post that the show will not feature the first-party heavy hitters that fans are used to seeing at Sony's shows.It listed God of War and Horizon Forbidden West as the three things that will not be appearing. According to the PlayStation blog, these will be revealed throughout the summer via further updates.Editors' Recommendations