AIX and WTCE Virtual announce the first wave of buyers and exhibitorsThis year's AIX and WTCE Virtual events will be attended by some of the most prominent airline buyers and exhibitorsThe organizers of Aircraft Interiors Expo and World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo have released the names of the first exhibitors and buyers for this year's Virtual event. It will be held online from September 14-16.The digital platform will allow aviation and rail professionals around the world to meet for three days of focused business meetings. They also have the chance to learn about the latest products and services in the entire supply chain for cabin interiors and onboard catering.More than 60 representatives from airlines and onboard service providers expressed interest in the virtual event. These include American Airlines, British Airways and Cathay Pacific Airways. Virgin Atlantic Airways, United Airlines and Gate Group.AIX"The AIX gathering gives us exposure to new technologies, products and solutions, while also providing the opportunity to meet existing vendors and learn more their products and innovations," stated Kevin Kleist, Emerging Trends, Southwest Airlines. As we seek to address new use cases and solve existing needs, virtual discussions can be of great value to Southwest Airlines. As we look forward to maintaining and establishing new connections, we also hope to move towards future in-person gatherings like the ones we have valued in past years.Rainer Kroepke is Director of Customer Experience at Condor Flugdienst GmbH. He added that "A crucial part of AIX" is to walk by exhibitor stands and make discoveries you didn't know about. Although this is more difficult to transfer online it has its advantages. You can organize your appointments better so you can cover more topics and discovers in the same time.AIX leads the way in exhibitorsBuyers from major airlines around the world will have the opportunity to meet key suppliers and learn about the latest solutions. Product demonstrations will provide insight into the key benefits of the services and their functionality. Geven SpA and MGR Foamtex are major exhibitors confirmed.Hygiene is a priority in new product developmentMuirhead, a returning exhibitor, will present its new Muirhead Active Hygiene leather. It has built-in antiviral qualities for best-in class hygiene onboard. ViralOff technology is embedded in the leather's self-disinfecting properties. It has been proven to kill 99 percent of viruses and bacteria within just two hours. The company's lightweight, full-sugar leather is specifically made for the aviation industry. Ryanair selected the leather for its Max fleet of 737-800s and Max aircraft. It is 25% lighter than standard leather, which offers significant weight savings over its lifetime.ADHETEC produces technical adhesive films for decorative applications, such as the one found in the welcome section of Mohana Airways.ADHETEC, a fellow exhibitor, manufactures adhesive films for decorative and industrial uses in aerospace. It will display its antimicrobial range, which includes antibacterial and antivirus films that are ideal for tray tables and IFE screens.Mankiewicz is a top-quality manufacturer of coating systems. He will highlight his paint products for cabin interiors including ALEXITFST PUReGuard. This interior coating is long-lasting and easy to maintain with antimicrobial additives. It also meets the highest OEM standards.Mankiewicz will be highlighting its ALEXIT PUReGuard during AIX VirtualRen Lang, Executive Director Aviation at Mankiewicz spoke about AIX Virtual. He said that Mankiewicz was the market leader for cabin interior coatings, and has been a loyal exhibitor ever since the beginning of AIX. It was natural to follow the digital path. AIX chose a fantastic way to offer a platform that allows market participants to communicate and share the latest developments in the cabin.Mankiewicz, a manufacturer of high-quality coatings systems, will be displaying its paint products for cabin interiorsBucher will be presenting new products, concepts, and further developments, including an antiviral Galley Kit to protect passengers and crew during flight, a compact front row monument, tray tables for business class cabin and various retrofit options.International Water-Guard will be highlighting how its Healthy Lav Touchless products can increase onboard lavatory hygiene and passenger comfort.SEKISUI KYDEX, meanwhile, will showcase a variety of innovative solutions that designers can use to expand their possibilities for cabin design. This includes its KYDEX ION Technology, which was shortlisted in Crystal Cabin Awards. The new technology is 99 per cent effective in inhibiting the growth staining and odor-causing bacteria on KYDEX Thermoplastics. The sheet has an antimicrobial treatment that is integrated into it. This helps to keep the surface clean between cleanings.Intelligent lighting solutions for the illumination of the cabinSTG Aerospace will display the most recent innovations in cabin lighting. It will be displaying its new generation saftglo emergency floor path marking. This marking features the largest CMF palette and the best edge-to-edge colors. The signage can also be used to complete the emergency exit system. The company will also display its liTeMood main cabin lighting system that plugs into existing lighting systems. This lighting system offers major improvements in reliability and functionality, as well as in-situ programming."In an uncertain year, it is crucial that we continue supporting our customers and wider aerospace industry," stated Dr. Sean OKell (Business Unit Director Photoluminescent), STG Aerospace. "Even though it is not physically, we cannot wait to meet our customers again at the virtual event. We will be able to get the customer interaction and feedback that we missed over the past year, even though it's not in person."The SCHOTT HelioCurveLEDTwo of SCHOTT's latest innovations will be on display at AIX Virtual. They are the SCHOTT Jade Reading Lamp and the flexible SCHOTT HelioCurveLED. Two main trends will be addressed by the company to help them achieve their goals of differentiation and create an unforgettable experience for passengers: the design and manufacture of individual, customizable light products that create a unique customer experience and offer the latest technology features. The synchronization of seat, monument, and cabin illumination allows for fully integrated scenarios.The SCHOTT Jade Reading LightWe look forward to a bright future as air travel has picked up in recent weeks. We are confident that airlines will continue to innovate and retrofit their cabins and seats to ensure their customers' satisfaction. "This virtual event is a step towards normalcy in our industry, and we are happy that we can support it with our participation," stated Philip Fischer, Vice President SCHOTT Aviation.Inmarsat will showcase its onboard Wi-Fi solutions at AIX Virtual New Platform that allows airlines to monetize their Wi-FiInmarsat Aviation will present its award-winning inflight connectivity products at AIX Virtual. This includes a platform that allows airlines to monetize Wi-Fi onboard. Inmarsat will also discuss the findings of an upcoming global report on the impact of the pandemic to travel habits and passenger expectations.Generation Global, a top upholstery and interiors supplier will be exhibiting its seat cushion and seat cover products as well as production capabilities."We are excited to reconnect cabin interiors and onboard service professionals at this crucial time," stated Polly Magraw (Reed Exhibitions' Event Director). The industry's determination to progress is evident in the impressive list of companies and names that have expressed interest in booking stands or attending the virtual event. AIX Virtual 2021 will continue to be a place where innovation is encouraged and done well.WTCEWTCE will remain a major event on the travel catering and other services calendars, in virtual or face-toface formats. It offers buyers and suppliers a chance to meet, exchange ideas and learn about the latest industry trends. "In this current climate, where the entire aviation sector is looking for ways of speeding up the post-pandemic recovery," I believe the event will be even more important than ever.The WTCE list of exhibitorsECO Wheat, a supplier of natural straws and specialty chemicals solutions, as well as eco-friendly amenity kits provider The Bamboovement and GUDRUN Group Chocolates, will join the WTCE supplier list for the first-time.NibNibs is a gourmet snack manufacturer that has signed up to participate in the event. They will be showcasing their range of sweet and savory solutions specifically designed for travel catering. The company supplies US airlines United Airlines and Delta. It will be showcasing its new Telstar Heavenly Cookies. The Indulgent mini-star cookie is a great accompaniment to tea or coffee onboard. It contains 30 percent less sugar than other cookies and has no artificial sweeteners or colors.PLAYin Choc will showcase its chocolate products, which have won a staggering 19 awards since their launch in 2018. These delicious treats are ideal for airlines looking to move towards a more sustainable and ethical future. The packaging is 100% recyclable and plastic-free. All ingredients are organic, natural, and Soil Association certified. They are also vegan and free from 14 major allergens, making them suitable for nearly everyone.Montys Bakehouse will highlight its Snack Pack, an innovative culinary innovation that provides passengers with a light meal onboard. The Snack Pack is also sustainable and provides low effort solutions for crew members. The Snack Pack currently comes in four flavors. It contains two components: a delicate, soft roll and moist sweet sponge.Montys Bakehouse's new Montys Croque Monsieur is a tasty twist on the classic dish. It has been redesigned by its chefs to make it a light and delicious meal. The dish features layers of fresh, tangy mustard and a mature cheddar sauce. It is topped with Gruyere cheese on top of crisp white bread. Montys Bakehouse's unique baking method prevents cheese from oozing or ham from separating from the sandwich. The Garlic Mushroom Crème is available in both vegetarian and halal options.Other companies that signed up for WTCE Virtual include Egret Aviation and Sola Airline Cutlery, galley equipment manufacturers, Callington and Coffee Planet which will display specialty coffee solutions suitable for every scenario, from single-serve to beans and ground.Magraw stated that WTCE is very pleased to welcome back exhibitors and visitors this year. Magraw stated that even though the show will be virtual, it still offers a unique opportunity for the industry and a chance to reconnect after 18 difficult months. We have an amazing line-up of exhibitors confirmed to participate as well as visitors representing all major airlines and catering businesses who plan to attend. So we are excited to open our doors to everyone and help speed up the recovery.WTCE Virtual and AIX will replace the live editions. This is due to global travel restrictions and ongoing challenges. WTCE and AIX will be back in Hamburg from June 14-16, 2022 at Hamburg Messe.To view Disqus comments, please enable jаvascript.