It's one of the most satisfying feelings to arrive at your hotel after a long day. You may need to nap if you've been traveling for a long time or woke up early. You can unpack, shower, change clothes, or do whatever you need to do once you arrive at your home.Do not do it yet.Before you settle in, there are some things you may want to do. Some for your comfort and others to ensure you love the room.Is your door lock working?Although it is a minor thing, it is one of the most important things you should check. Is your door locked? Have your key handy, and go outside to check the door. (OK, that's what you would have done if you had tried to enter the room first.) Does the deadbolt or chain lock work?If you have a negative answer, please go to the front desk to get a new room and a lock that works properly.Is the thermostat reliable?Many hotels have electronic thermostats that can control the temperature in a room regardless of what setting you make.Be sure to check for bed bugsWe hoped that the bed bugs would be eradicated during the pandemic. These cities are home to the most of them.Check to see if the hotel has been reported. However, even if it isn't on the list, that doesn't mean your hotel (or your room) arent affected. There are no bed bugs in the hotel. Here's how you can check for bed bugs:Which exits are closest?You will need to know how you can escape an emergency situation. You can check the location of your room relative to the nearest emergency exit. If youre not on the 1st floor, the closest stairwell. How many rooms are there between you and the doorway if the hallway is blocked by smoke? What is the nearest emergency exit if that exit is not accessible?This information could save your life.Double-check your sheetsExcept for a few exceptions, hotel sheets tend to be white. Here's why. Ask housekeeping to change your sheets if they show signs of staining. If your sheets have wrinkles that match the pattern of where someone slept, it could indicate that housekeeping is not doing enough to change them. These wrinkles are not what I mean. These wrinkles look like someone slept on them.Also, make sure to check your towelsTowels should be clean and smooth. If towels are fluffy, fluff should be standing up.Are your glasses clean in your bedroom?Many hotels now offer disposable cups, while others still provide glassware for drinking. Check that there aren't any chips in the area around your mouth. Make sure that they are clean and don't smell like furniture polish. To be safe, you might wash them with soapy water.What about an ice bucket?You can use an ice bucket to make ice, but you need a bag. If there is a tiny hole in the bag, or no bag at all then your ice will be mixed with other items that have been stored in the ice bucket. Some people use the ice bucket to puke, even if they can't go to the bathroom in time. If the sink stopper isn't working, you can soak their underwear. You might also want to wash the ice bucket with soapy water.Did they clean the remote?To make you feel secure, many hotel brands boast how clean they are. We all know that they may not clean the remote but they say they do.Keep the COVID hand sanitizer in your pocket. Use some to wipe the remote with a tissue.BONUS BONUS!These are the things that you should do upon your arrival at your hotel room. You may be able to travel further. These are some things you might want to remember when you are leaving your room and getting ready for your check-out.How to make sure you don't leave anything behind in the safeWe don't recommend keeping your hotel safe. Here's why. You don't want to forget to take what you have stored in it if you insist that you use it. This is a great way for you to remember.Or the rest of your space!You don't want to leave any items behind in your other rooms. Here are some ways to make sure you have everything you need.These are not acceptable!These are the last things you should NOT do when you leave your hotel bed for good.PxHere Feature PhotoYou want to comment on this article? That's great! This will help you to get it approved.Do you like this post? Share it! There are many more like it. We would love for you to stay and receive email notifications when we post. You might also like to join our Facebook Group. We have over 23,000 members. Here you can ask questions about travel, including Disney parks. We are glad you're here, no matter if you have read them before or if this is your first visit.This post was first published on Your Mileage May VaryTweet this: Share itFacebookPinterestSimilar to this: Loading...