I was sent video by someone showing a woman attacking Frontier Airlines staff in Orlando. She was denied boarding after the incident. It was so horrific that I decided to not write about it for several days. It is a horrendous example of mother abuse and violence against her children.Frontier Airlines Staff Attacked by a Derelict Mother, Children SurroundingA mother attempts to check-in at Frontier Airlines in Orlando, Florida (MCO). She is then told that she can't travel. This is likely to indicate that she is on Frontiers don't fly list. This list is for passengers who refuse or are not allowed to wear masks onboard.She walks behind the counter and strikes the agent. Then she throws a keyboard at her. The woman leaves Frontier employees, but she returns to the counter a second later.A police officer arrives and pulls her away. The video then stops.The NSFW video can be viewed here. Warning: There is some profanity and violence.It is terrible, but the worst part is what happened during the brawl.The daughter of the woman yells at her:Mama, I don't want you to go into jail.Her mother replies:I'm going to f*ck that b*tch up.The little girl continues to sob and begs her mother to stop. Her bother, on the other hand, just watches and waits, as though this were a regular occurrence.This is so horrible. It is so horrible that this was captured on video. However, it is important that we look at the video and condemn what happened, and hopefully hold the mother responsible for my child abuse.It is easy to condemn our mother from our perch and not have any idea of her past trials and burdens. However, she cannot be blamed for her actions.This is the most disgusting and degrading behavior I have ever seen at an airport. This is not about attacking a gate agent physically with fists, keyboards, or poles. It was the fact that it was done in front her young, impressionable children.It is hard, and perhaps more difficult than I ever imagined. We cannot excuse what has happened. There is no justification.While I am blaming the mother who was disgruntled, I wonder who else encouraged her to do this? Who cursed her in front of her children, taunted her to attack and made it worse? Frontier Airlines employees should be fired. There are no second chances.My heart breaks when I see what happened. These children are not worthy to be raised in such a harsh environment. There are aunts and uncles, grandparents, or other relatives who could take them in.My heart is broken and I don't know what else to say, but it hurts.