A vicious attack on three Asian students by a group teen teens in Queensland, Australia is being investigated by police.What happened? The victims, a male and female, were left helpless after the group of men dragged them along the side of the road and punched and kicked their heads.According to reports, the incident occurred at Inala Shopping Center, a suburb of Brisbane on June 27, and was captured on video. The scene is thought to have been filmed by one of the attackers.The video shows members of the group attacking victims individually. The Asian male is trying to defend his female companion, but he asks her what she did.One attacker said, "Hail motherf***er! Don't touch my sister!" Another warns: Don't touch my brother.Three female attackers drag, punch and kick one of the Asian females. She wept as she struggled to get up from the ground.Near the end of video, you can hear the person filming the incident saying "gang s***", "gang s***". Another young male attacker can be seen walking away smiling.Investigating ongoing: Queensland Police is investigating the incident.According to news.com.au, they stated that they had obtained the vision and are now making follow-up inquiries.The Asian Australian Alliance, a grassroots network that advocates for issues facing Asian Australians, said that the attack was a robbery.Jenny Nguyen, a member of the committee, stated that a witness claimed that the group was looking for trouble before the incident. They were looking at several Asians as they walked to the Inala bus station. She heard them saying, Oi, take a look at her. Do we have to do it?Nguyen claimed that the attackers took money from the victims. In the hope of helping the victims physically, mentally and emotionally, she set up a change.org petition and addressed it to Chin Tan (Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner).Screenshots of Featured Images via r/BrisbaneContinue the storyThis content is yours? NextShark has more!Unintentionally, a Village Leader in the Philippines Streams a Fight with Treasurer on Zoom CallTikTok users are putting their testicles in soy sauce after the 'Taste Buds' MythFilipino American called G**K while bringing food to families in QuarantineSurvey Shows: Envy of Asian Success is one of the strongest factors to prejudice in COVID-19 Pandemic.