From top left, clockwise: Judas and The Black Messiah (Photo by Warner Bros.), The Mitchells Vs. The Machines (Images: Netflix), No Sudden Movement (Photo by HBO Max), Saint Maud, The Disciple and The Disciple (Photos: Warner Bros.), In The Heights (Photos: Warner Bros.), Barb & Star Get To Vista Del Mar. Graphic : Natalie PeeplesFrom our limited perspective, it is difficult to see if the normal movie culture of pre-COVID times will return. Theaters are now open and Hollywood is flooding them with blockbuster movies, hoping that audiences will return to the big screen to see some great spectacles. While there is always the chance of a new spike or a return of quarantine conditions, 2020's lost year seemed to accelerate distribution strategies changes that were already occurring, but a little slower. This means that there is a good chance that almost all movies will be available to stream online in the future. Maybe not. Maybe the world is ready to give the theatrical experience another chance after spending a year and half indoors.A couple of things are obvious at the halfway point of 2021. The first is that the first few months in this year were essentially an extension of the previous one, at least as far as how and what type of films were released. Two, even a worldwide pandemic cannot stop movies being made and released. The following is a list of 20 of our favorite movies of the year. It lists them in chronological order. Information about where they can currently be watched follows. Cinema's future is uncertain. However, these films show that cinema's future is uncertain.