According to a survey by Opinium, 21% of respondents plan to travel abroad in the summer, and 10% in the fall, according to iCarhireinsurance.com's new Opinium survey.This is compared to 53 percent of people who believe they will travel overseas in 2022. That compares with 47% of 55-year-olds. One in ten (10%) don't see themselves ever travelling abroad again, and 14% aren't planning to travel abroad before 2023.Portugal is not the only country on the top of the list. Spain, Greece, France, and France are next. Here's the complete list:Spain 33%Greece 21%France 20%Italy 18%USA 15%Ireland 10%Germany 10%Netherlands: 8%Poland: 4%Turkey: 1%Ernesto Suarez is the founder and CEO at iCarhireinsurance.com. It is a leader in car rental excess insurance. It is still to be seen how travel will gradually resume and whether the wonderful British summer weather will suffice for most holidays.Renting a car can be a great way of exploring, regardless of whether you are in the UK or abroad. However, it is important to follow the same rules when renting a car. You should shop around to find a great deal and compare the cost of any additional items, as they can add up quickly. He advised that you bring your sat-nav and child car seats along with you and to purchase your excess car rental insurance from an independent specialist.