Are you tired of waiting in long lines to ride the latest roller coaster at your local amusement parks? You don't have to spend hours designing and 3D printing roller coasters like YouTube's 3d_coasters.AdvertisementThe NoLimits 2 coaster took a lot more work than you would expect, as shown in the video they recently posted on YouTube. The track layout and assembly of the coaster, which consist of 2, 983 parts, took 600 hours. Fusion 360. Once the pieces were completed, they could be 3D printed. This took over 800 hours and seven rolls filament.After the 3D printer had completed its work, each piece needed to be sanded, finished by hand and especially the track pieces. This was to avoid friction. Another 35 hours were required. It took 20 hours to build the miniature eight-seat coaster, as well as 10 hours troubleshooting and tuning the track to ensure it completed one circuit after launch.This coaster is not like traditional coasters which have a steep hill and steep drop at their start. Instead, it emulates modern designs that use electronic launch systems to accelerate the rider and passengers. All electronics of NoLimits 2 are controlled by an Arduino with custom code. They include a single DC motor, five servos, and a single motor. Although the creator of the NoLimits 2 has yet to find 135-scale coaster riders to ride it, the frightening speeds it reaches makes it difficult to imagine them surviving the extreme G-forces.