You wouldn't expect waterfalls to be found in Hell. Soteska Pekel, also known as Hell Gorge in Slovenia, has five waterfalls and is renowned for being a great place to relax and swim during the summer.The sinking of 163 km2 of Ljubljana Marshes (163 kilometers south of Slovenia's capital) caused the formation of the gorge. The steep walls of dolomite show alternating bands made of dark and lighter rock. This is what geologists used to discover about the region's ancient history.You will find the trail to Soteska Pekel next to Pekel Inn, a small devil statue and the Pekel Inn. It is relatively straightforward, but it can be a little steep and narrow at times. At 450 metres above sea level, the highest waterfall is located. It takes approximately two hours to complete the round trip, including swimming breaks. You can also climb to the top of the canyon at 650m to see the rock Devils tooth formation.