A crime scene in Chicago is captured by police tape. Three people were shot at Wentworth Gardens in Bridgeport, Illinois, on June 23, 2021. Chicago witnessed a surge in shootings during the Fourth of July weekend (Getty Images).CNN reports that at least 150 people were killed by hundreds of shootings during the Fourth of July weekend in Chicago, which was witness to the worst violence of this year.CNN cited data from the Gun Violence Archive to claim that the US saw a 400-fold increase in shootings this weekend.According to The Chicago Sun Times 18 people were killed and 92 others were shot in Chicago this weekend.Six children were reported to have been injured by shootings in the capital during what Police Superintendent David Brown warned would be one of the most difficult weekends of the year.Two people were killed and four others were injured in an incident that occurred on the South Side. It involved a girl of 12 years and a boy of 13.A six-year old girl and a female were also shot in West Pullman. An additional shooting occurred hours later, with a boy and a man being shot on the South Side.According to Chicago Police Department, two Chicago officers were also among the victims of gunshot wounds.The department stated via Twitter that both officers were taken to Stroger hospital with minor injuries.This comes as police released statistics on Thursday showing that Chicago saw fewer murders over the first months of 2021 than the same period last years, despite an increase in shootings and people being shot.The data shows that there were 332 murders in Chicago between January 1 and Wednesday 13th, which is six less than the number of deaths in the first half 2020.CNN reports that at least 26 people were killed in New York City shootings between Friday, Sunday and Monday.The broadcaster stated that New York has witnessed unprecedented levels of gun violence in recent years. However, this figure is a decrease from last year's 25 shootings in which 30 people were killed.There were many mass shootings in New York and Chicago, as well as shootings that left at least four people dead or injured by gunfire.Continue the storyCNN reported that four children were shot in Norfolk, Virginia on Friday afternoon. One of them was a six-year old girl. She had suffered life-threatening injuries but is now stable.In connection with the shooting, a 15-year old boy was charged. The shooting also involved a 14 year-old boy, a sixteen-yearold boy and a girl 16 years old. However, they are expected to fully recover from their injuries.According to Fort Worth police, another shooting occurred on Sunday morning. Eight people were hurt in a shooting close to a Fort Worth car wash. It was the result of an argument between two groups of men.Continue readingChicago police report shootings and killings this yearChicago: 1 killed, 13 injured in 2 shootingsMotivation sought for fatal string of Arizona freeway shootings