Tony Black, my friend, died from pneumonia and emphysema at the age of 89. He was also my predecessor as chief psychologist in Broadmoor, a high-security psychiatric hospital located in Berkshire.Tony is the son of Walter Foster, a civil servant and Rose Foster (nee Foster), an ex-nurse. He was born into a loving, secure family between the wars at Sanderstead, Surrey. His early experiences as a child with a physically and mentally disabled sister and his counselling of members of his battalion during national service with Royal Artillery set him on the path to becoming a psychologist.Tony was educated at Whitgift School in Croydon and then at Cambridge University. He received his psychology degree under Oliver Zangwill in 1954. He met Anne Shotton, his future wife and fellow student there. They were married in 1955.Under the guidance of psychologists John Graham White at Alder Hey and Don Walton, he began his training in clinical psychology in Liverpool. He developed the Walton Black memory test. This tests the effect of brain dysfunction on short-term memory. It requires patients to learn new words meanings.Tony was named the first Broadmoor hospital clinical psychologist, in conjunction with the introduction of the Mental Health Act. He worked with Dr Patrick McGrath (then the physician superintendent). He created a vibrant psychology department and pioneered the development of clinical psychology at Broadmoor as well as research within the high-secure mental services.Tony was also a champion for clinical psychology on a national level through his exceptional communication skills. He was often interviewed on radio and quoted in national media. His balanced and humane scientific perspective was a welcome addition to what could otherwise be sensationalised reporting on forensic mental health issues.On the eve the hospital rebuilding program, he retired in 1986. As his successor, I was forever grateful to him for his support and advice. He moved to Herefordshire in retirement and worked as a Mental Health Act commissioner until 1990. He also completed a landmark British Psychological Society (BPS), working party report about improving services for mentally disordered offenders. Broadmoor Interacts, a book about the history of Broadmoor that covers the period between the Mental Health Acts in 1983 and 1959, was published by him in 2003.Tony was loved by all, including colleagues and friends. He was known for his patient support and calm demeanour. Tony was always available to listen, to share his wisdom and knowledge with others, sometimes with a twinkle of an eye.Anne and their children Philip, David, and Catherine are his survivors. He also has eight grandchildren.