The Florida condo building that was destroyed by the hurricane has been demolished. It went according to plan, and may have helped in the rescue/recovery efforts.The tower's remaining structure was brought down by explosives that were set off in the middle of Sunday night. The authorities made this move in order to avoid a tropical storm that could have caused the structure's collapse. This would have severely hindered the search.Charles Burkett, Surfside Mayor, warned that extreme winds could have caused damage to the Champlain Tower South and put search crews at risk.Residents living in nearby buildings were asked to close all windows and stay indoors to keep dust and debris out.This demolition could help in the search efforts. Rescuers now have access to the underground garage that was not accessible previously.24 bodies have been discovered so far. 121 are still missing. However, it has been 11 days since the collapse, and no one has been rescued alive in the first hours.Monday is the return to work for search teams