Terrifying Magnetic Mouth Clamp is a Safer Weight Loss Tool

Image: University of OtagoResearchers from the United Kingdom and New Zealand developed an innovative alternative to bariatric surgeries, which are medical procedures that aid in weight loss. The oral magnetic locking device limits the amount of food the wearer can eat and restricts how far they can open their mouths.AdvertisementA proper diet that includes smaller portions is one of the best skills for long-term weight loss. Gastrectomy, which shrinks the stomach size and limits how much a patient can eat at each meal, makes this process easier. However, this is a invasive procedure and carries the same risks as any other procedure that requires anesthesia. It is also costly, sometimes costing thousands of dollars. And it can be just as difficult and expensive to reverse.A procedure that physically wired a patient's jaws closed was popular decades ago as a way to lose weight. However, it was permanent and had its limitations, such as proper hygiene. The DentalSlim Diet Control works in a similar way, but it is less permanent. Magnets are used to power a temporary locking device which restricts the wearer's ability to open their mouths by just two millimeters. This allows them to consume liquids without affecting speech or breathing.DentalSlim is attached to wearers' molars using orthodontic cement. It will not accidentally fall out. However, the magnetic locking mechanism that it uses allows it to be periodically disengaged so that dietary restrictions can temporarily be relaxed. The DentalSlim is also available in an emergency kit that can quickly unlock the device for any patient who has it installed. Imagine dealing with common side effects from a night of bar hopping when your mouth can only be opened two millimeters.Seven obese, healthy patients underwent a 14-day trial with the device. The study was published in the British Dental Journal. The average loss of the DentalSlim was just over 14 pounds. However, such impressive results require strict adherence to the type and amount of liquids consumed. You won't see the same results if you drink milkshakes every day for two weeks. However, if you are going to invest in a device such as the DentalSlim, it is worth the effort.