Photo by maxpetrov ( Shutterstock)Our default response to the question "How are you?" has been good for a long time. However, over the years and especially during the pandemican, an alternative response has become more common: Telling the person asking how you are is becoming more popular.AdvertisementIt's not easy to know why, but it is safe to say that many of us feel exhausted at times. Do you remember when you were last feeling fully rested? Yes, I can't.According to Dr. Saundra Dlton Smith, a doctor, researcher and author of Sacred Rest, Recover Your Life. Renew Your Energy. Restore Your Sanity. This is what you need to know about seven types of rest and how it can make a difference in your life.More than just sleeping, rest is about much more than thatMost likely, someone you tell about being tired will make a comment about how they need to sleep better. While that is a good thing, rest is more than just sleeping.G/O Media could be eligible for a World of Warcraft 60 Day Time Card at Eneba. Use the promo code: 20210704It's easy to think that we can go to sleep and solve all our restorative problems. But, unfortunately, there are other types of rest that cannot be solved, she explained to the magazine.What are the 7 types?According to her research, Dalton Smith identified seven types of sleep that the body and mind need. Even if you have a good night's sleep, it may not be enough to make you feel tired. These types of rest are:Mental rest is giving your brain a break. Sensory rest is taking time to unplug from external stimuli. Creative rest, or doing something that inspires you to do something. Emotional rest. You can let your emotions go and allow your body to rest.How to get the rest you wantDalton Smith says that the first step to getting the rest you need is to identify the type of sleep you are lacking. From there, it's possible to get the rest you want. She suggests that self-reflection is key to getting the right amount of rest. Because you use each of these seven areas throughout the day. You need to identify where you are putting your most energy.AdvertisementDalton Smith wants to know what your day looks like. Are you spending your days brainstorming new ideas and coming up with them? Are you spending your day face-to-face with people who are able to talk about difficult emotions like counselling or therapy?She says that once you know where you are putting your most energy, it will have an enormous impact on the area you are most likely to experience a deficit, especially if youre not yet thinking about how to recover from that job or position.Advertisement