Press Release5 July 2021Woody Wade, a Swiss-based expert in the strategic technique for scenario planning, just released SEE YOUR NEW NORMAL. This handbook is designed to help managers understand what their post-pandemic terrain might look like. You can purchase the book in paperback or e-book formats.AdvertisementsThe COVID pandemic caused unprecedented changes in nearly every sector of the global economy. It was particularly devastating for hospitality and travel, with increased border controls, cancellations of vacations, virtual business meetings, and closing of hotels and restaurants around the world.However, now that the world's population has been vaccinated, businesses are reopening, does this mean we will return to pre-Covid ways of operating? Woody Wade, a Swiss scenario planning expert and author, says that almost certainly not. He says that during the past 18 months we were forced to invent or find new ways to accomplish our goals. Ingeniousness is normally a good thing. COVID is a case where our short-term adaptiveness could have long-term consequences. The temporary solutions we make may end up part of the permanent landscape.The New NormalAll these changes, taken together, mean that a New Normal is emerging, a new business landscape that is vastly different from what it was before the pandemic. Wade says that a new landscape is being created in every industry over the last few months. And it's not over yet. It is important to determine how your landscape may change. You may need different strategies and resources depending on how it changes.Wade created See Your New Normal to help decision-makers and business owners understand the post-COVID strategic landscape. This guidebook walks readers through the steps of scenario planning, which is a common method for corporations to anticipate future changes. He focuses on the immediate post-pandemic world and provides examples from his post-COVID scenario-generation workshops.Wade says that scenario planning is an incredibly simple method. My book will show you how to use it in a simple way in your company. This book gives you a realistic view of the challenges and opportunities that your business might face in the future. It's extremely down-to-earth.See Your New Normal is available as a paperback or Kindle edition. Visualiza Tu Nueva Normalidad, a Spanish edition of See Your New Normal has been also published. A French, German, Italian and Spanish editions will be available later in the month.Woody Wade ([email protected]), has more information