Ji Sung is a judge in a nationally televised trial. tvNImagine trials televised to the nation for everyone to see, similar to talent competitions. What if the final decision was made by a cruel judge who didn't feel the need to make any allowances for those with disabilities? He was free to interpret the vote and make the final determination.This is the face of justice in Devil Judge, Korean TV drama that follows a two year plague that caused economic instability and political upheaval.In a room filled with Korea's most powerful power brokers, Judge Kang Yohan declared that he was the authority.Some of the presenters seem to be surprised by his forceful statement. It's almost as if they are pondering whether their approach might be dangerous. They quickly dismissed the idea.He says that the people have the power, but does most people actually have any power?Jin Young, GOT7's Jin Young, plays a judge who isn't sure if his superior is dispensencing justice. tvNJi Sung's portrayal of Judge Kang Yohan as a simmering volcano suggests that he is leading a popular justice reform movement. However, he may also be pursuing his dream to become Korea's ultimate power broker. The people of Korea only have 10% faith in the justice system in this future. It is believed that televising a trial would make it more fair for all, rich and poor. However, this seems unlikely given the power to manipulate media behind the scenes.Kang Yo-han will be seated on the live TV bench alongside two judges. However, Jin Young (GOT7s Jin Young) has a different view of justice. He suspects Kang Yo-han is more interested in power than following the law so he begins to watch the activities of the judges. Jin Young, who has previously appeared in the dramas When My Love Blooms, and Melting Me Softly is a good foil to the judges' seemingly monomaniacal ambition.Kim Min-jung is Jung Sun-A, the underutilized actress who played the villain in My Fellow Citizens. She is the Executive Director of the Social Responsibility Foundation. It was established to restore order. They want to consolidate power and believe Kang Yo-han could help them. But the judge has his secrets.Ji Sung is most well-known for his roles in the dramas Familiar Wife and Kill Me, Heal Me. Park Gyu-young stars in the drama, as does Ahn Naesang. Moon Yoo-seok wrote Devil Judge. Choi Jung-kyu directed Children of Nobody Triangle, Two Weeks and Children of Nobody.