July 5, 2021 5 minutes readEntrepreneur contributors do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed.Financial Times reports that women hold less than 5% in CEO positions in Europe and the U.S., while more than 2 million women have left the workforce by 2020. These realities are caused by many factors, including women feeling disempowered, tired, and sometimes even self-destructive. Marilyn Loden invented the term "glass ceiling". It is a metaphor for an invisible barrier that hinders women from reaching professional success.The U.S. Census shows that women make up 50.8% of America's population and 58.2%, respectively. However, they are shockingly underrepresented in high-ranking positions in the American workforce.Still, efforts are being made to break down glass ceilings in work and life. Over the years I have seen women avoiding, hiding, and holding back, allowing limiting beliefs and situations to rule their lives. It is crucial to break down inner and outer glass walls in order for positive change to take place. The inner work is the most powerful and influential part of transformational work.Related: Smashing The Glass Ceiling in VC Funding & the WorkplaceHere are seven ways you can break down any glass ceilings that might be holding your back.1. 1.Consider a belief or behavior you may have that is preventing you from living your life. What meaning do you give it? What are the origins of these thoughts and stories? Write down what you are unable to let go of. Next, define what you want. You can then come up with a new belief, story, or behavior you wish to adopt. You have the power to choose to see and act differently in every moment. What can you let go of and redefine today?2. Get rid of the "good girl" mentalityThrough messages from society, media, parents and teachers, girls are encouraged to be a good girl growing up. You have the responsibility to challenge the messages of good girls. You can do this by taking more risks, expressing your ideas, and being authentic. You can follow your heart and joy by letting go of what you are told to do. This honors your truth and honors your soul.3. Your voice is yoursCatalyst, an organization that promotes women in leadership, conducted a survey of 1,100 working adults in the United States. It found that 45% said it was difficult for them to voice their opinions in virtual meetings. One fifth of respondents feel ignored or overlooked during video conferences. This happens both in business and online, but it also happens every day.Related: Why Women Should Mentor Women at WorkWomen don't have the courage to assert their full power and voice their opinions because they fear being judged by others. This can lead to a loss of reputation. This muscle can be strengthened by learning to accept the discomfort and take imperfect action. It is easier to become a habit of using your voice every time you do it. No matter how uncomfortable you may feel, where can you begin to use your voice more? Do not worry about how you sound or what others think.4. Hire a coach, mentor, or advocate.Actors, actresses, Olympians, and most successful people share one thing in common: They all have mentors and coaches who support, guide, challenge, and push them. Sometimes there are blind spots in our lives. A third party can help us see things from a different perspective and help us to move beyond them.5. Encourage and praise yourselfKnow your worth. KPMG's study found that 75% female executives in different industries have experienced imposter Syndrome during their career. Imposter syndrome is characterized by persistent feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, as well as feeling like a fraud despite past and present accomplishments. How can you get rid of imposter syndrome? It begins with celebrating ourselves and one another.First, you need to take stock of all your achievements, successes and accomplishments. It is possible to take some time to list every success, accomplishment and achievement from your past. Write a note to yourself, praise yourself, and then look in the mirror. Finally, get out there and take action. You can promote yourself, meet new people or send an email. It doesn't matter what you do, it only matters that you do it.6. Ask for what you desireAre you willing to ask for what you need? Are you willing to ask for help? Asking for help and support requires vulnerability. First, be clear about the question: What are you looking for? Next, take action. Your confidence will grow every time you take action. Never ask if the answer is no.Related: Why you should ask for help at work instead of giving it7. 7. Find supportYou need to build a support network. Your environment can make or break you. Or keep you stuck and stumbling. Our environment is our true average. If someone or something doesn't make you stronger, they are making you weaker. Your life will be transformed if you break the glass ceiling and find an environment that challenges you. Ask friends and mentors to help you find the right group online. Success is a sign of success.Every action you take leaves a legacy for future generations.