This week, Tropical Storm Elsa is expected to have an impact on the North and South Carolina coasts.Elsa was downgraded to a hurricane on Saturday. It was 55 miles southeast of Cayo largo, Cuba and 165 miles southeast from Havana, Cuba as of Monday 8:01 a.m. The storm was moving north at 14 mph, with maximum sustained winds 65 mph.The winds of tropical storm force winds, which can reach speeds up to 70 miles, range from 39 mph through 73 mph.If the storm moves on its current course, tropical storm conditions could affect South Carolina and North Carolina's coasts. This includes strong winds, rain, flooding, and storm surge Wednesday and Thursday.According to the forecast, tropical storm-force winds could hit South Carolina as soon as Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. and North Carolina as soon as Wednesday afternoon at 8 p.m. According to the National Weather Services Wilmington Office, winds of up to 45 mph are possible in southeastern North Carolina as well as northeastern South Carolina.Elsa could bring rain to the North and South Carolina coasts. It is possible for up to 3 inches to fall in certain areas. Elsa could also dump as much as 5 inches, beginning Wednesday and continuing through Thursday. Rain could lead to flash flooding and isolated flash floods in urban areas.According to the NWSs Morehead/Newport office, tornadoes and severe storms can also be isolated.According to the NWS, the main threats are periods of torrential rain and isolated tornadoes.Forecasters warn of large waves and strong currents this week. Forecasters warn that there is a moderate risk for rip currents on the North and South Carolina coasts. However, strong rip currents may be possible Tuesday through Thursday in certain areas.As of Monday morning, the National Hurricane Center had not issued any warnings or watches for the Carolinas. Forecasters warn that Elsa's progress will require additional advisories today.According to the NHC, Elsa will move through central and western Cuba today, and then pass close to the Florida Keys Tuesday morning, according the NHC. Elsa is expected to then move close or over parts of Florida's west coast on Tuesday and Wednesday.Continue the storyElsa may strengthen as it crosses Cuba, but it could also weaken when it crosses land. As it crosses the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Elsa is expected to strengthen once again.The NHC states that Elsa will move faster north-northeastward through Florida after it clears Florida. It will then cross the Carolinas Wednesday and continue on to the west Atlantic.According to the NWSs Morehead/Newport, residents and visitors to areas affected by storms should be paying attention to the forecast and preparing for the worst.