This Oncotarget study revealed that perioperative tryptophan depletion was associated with increased taurine synthesis.Oncotarget published "Perioperative Changes in the Plasma Metabolome of Patients Receiving General Anesthesia for Pancreatic Cancer Surgery" in which it reported that very little was known about anesthesia's impact on the plasma metabolism. However, many metabolites have been proven to modulate the function and functions of different immune cells. This is particularly relevant in the context of oncological surgical.This study examined the longitudinal dynamics of plasma metabolomes during general anesthesia for patients undergoing pancreatic surgeries.Prospective observational study of 10 patients with pancreatic cancer. They were then subjected elective resection under general anesthesia.Eight consecutive time points were used to measure plasma metabolites using mass spectrometry-based targeted metabolismomics.This Oncotarget study revealed that perioperative tryptophan depletion was associated with increased taurine synthesis.This Oncotarget study revealed that perioperative tryptophan depletion was associated with increased taurine synthesis.Dr. Johanna Mock Ohnesorge, The Heidelberg University Hospital, stated that although general anesthesia using intravenous or volatile anesthetics has been well established for extended abdominal surgeries, very little is known about its effects on perioperative metabolism.While anesthetics were once considered a prerequisite for surgery in the past. Modern anesthesia is more personalized to meet the individual needs of each patient. This allows them to maintain their metabolic, physiological, and immunological health in order to achieve a long-term clinical outcome.The perioperative immune status is crucial for anti-tumor activities, as immune cells such as CD8 T-cells or natural killer cells have the ability to identify and eradicate malignant cells.There are many factors that contribute to complex modulations of immune function during surgery. These include the release of damage-associated molecular pattern from damaged tissue, and the release of metabolites by the organism in response to anesthesia or surgical stress.This exploratory prospective study aims to provide information about longitudinal perioperative alterations to the plasma metabolome in general anesthesia for patients with pancreatic cancer. It will also help to improve personalized perioperative management.In their Oncotarget Research Output, the Mock-Ohnesorge Research Team concluded that metabolomics is a phenotype for all genetic, transcriptional and posttranslational changes.The perioperative metabolomic assessment provides a better understanding of perioperative processes.This will allow for personalized anesthesia management.It might even be possible to identify therapeutic windows in surgical oncology that provide the best conditions for perioperative immunotherapy and chemotherapy.More controlled studies are urgently needed to evaluate the effects of various anesthetic procedures upon the plasma metabolome in order to determine whether they have any positive or negative effect on long-term clinical outcomes.###DOI - https:/// / doi. DOI - https:/ / doi. 18632/ oncotarget. 27956Full text available at https:////www. oncotarget. http:// oncotarget.com/ article/ 27956/text/Correspondence to Johanna Mock-Ohnesorge – johanna.ohnesorge@med.uniheidelberg.deKeywords: metabolomics, anesthesia. Plasma. Tumor. Longitudinal.About OncotargetOncotarget is an open-access bi-weekly peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of oncology.Visit https:/// / www.for more information about Oncotarget Oncotarget.com is a website that provides information about Oncotarget. Connect with:SoundCloud - https:/// / soundcloud. https:/ / soundcloud.Facebook - https:/// / www. facebook. facebook.com/ Oncotarget/Twitter - https:/// / twitter. https:/ / twitter.LinkedIn - https:/// / www. LinkedIn - https:/ / www.Linkedin. http://www.linkedin.com/company/oncotargetPinterest - https:/// / www. Pinterest. pinterest.Reddit - http:/ /www. reddit. reddit.com/ user/ Oncotarget/