We are feeling some hope, or at the very least cautious optimism, that the pandemic may recede for the first time in over a year. Experts warn that the virus may be reactivated by new mutations, which could make it even more dangerous.The Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is highly contagious and potentially more severe than its counterpart, is a major concern. It was first discovered in India in December.The disease spread quickly through the country, and Great Britain too. This has resulted in an increase in deaths and infections. It was only a few months ago that the first Delta case in America was reported. The number of cases is rapidly increasing.Inci Yildirim is a Yale Medicine pediatric infectious disease specialist and a vaccinologist. She's not surprised at what's going on. She says that viruses change over time and undergo changes as new ones spread and reproduce.F. Perry Wilson of Yale Medicine, an epidemiologist, said that one thing is distinctive about Delta: how rapidly it's spreading. He says that the pandemic will be accelerated by Delta around the globe.According to what we know, those who have been vaccinated against coronavirus seem to be protected from Delta. However, anyone who has not been vaccinated or isn't practicing preventive strategies may be at risk of contracting the new variant.These are five facts you should know about the Delta version:1. Delta is more contagious that other strains of virusThe B.1.617.2 is called Delta. variant, which is a SARS/CoV-2 mutation that first appeared in India. In December 2020, the first Delta case was reported. The strain quickly spread and became the dominant strain in India and Great Britain.According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Delta already accounted for more than 20% of all cases in the US by June end. This rapid increase in cases is prompting predictions that Delta will soon be the dominant strain in the United States.This virus has been deemed "the fastest and most fittest" by the World Health Organization (WHO).The CDC designated Delta "a variant of concern" in mid-June. This designation was also used for the Alpha strain first identified in Great Britain, Beta strain first discovered in South Africa, Epsilon variants that were first diagnosed in the US and Gamma strain first found in Brazil. The WHO established new naming conventions to identify the variants at the beginning June, as an alternative for numerical names.Wilson says that it is quite remarkable how the growth rate will change. He says Delta spreads 50 percent faster than Alpha. Alpha was 50 percent more contagious that the original strain of SARS CoV-2, making the new variant 75 times more contagious.Wilson states, "In an unmitigated environment where everyone is vaccinated and wearing masks, it's expected that an average person infected by the original coronavirus strain of coronavirus will infect 2.5 people." "In the same environment Delta could spread from one person, to perhaps 3.5 or four other people."He says, "Because the math it grows exponentially more quickly." "So, even though it seems to have a low rate of infection, a virus can quickly dominate - as we are seeing right now. Delta is becoming the dominant strain and outcompeting all others.2. 2.People who are not vaccinated are at greatest riskThe most vulnerable are those who haven't been vaccinated against COVID-19. The US has a high proportion of people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the Southern and Appalachian States, including Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and West Virginia. These states have low vaccination rates and there are many cases.Children and young people are also a concern.Yildirim says that a recent British study showed that Delta infection is 2.5 times more common in children under 50 than adults over 50.Although vaccines have not been approved in the US for children aged 5-12 years, the US and many other countries have authorized or are considering vaccines for young children and adolescents.Yildirim says that as older age groups are vaccinated, younger people who have not been vaccinated will be more likely to contract COVID-19 from any variant. "But Delta seems more to have an impact on younger age groups than other variants."3. The possibility of 'hyperlocal epidemics' in DeltaWilson believes that if Delta continues to move quickly enough to accelerate the pandemic's acceleration, the most important questions will revolve around transmissibility. How many people will have the Delta variant and how rapidly will it spread.He says that the answers may depend on where you live and how many people are vaccinated.Wilson calls it "patchwork vaccination." Wilson describes the situation as "patchwork vaccination." Wilson states that there are pockets of highly vaccinated people that are close to areas that have 20 percent vaccination. This allows the virus to jump, skip and jump between poorly vaccinated areas.He says that in some cases, the virus could be contained in low-vaccination areas surrounding high vaccination areas. The pandemic could then look very different from what we have seen in the past, as there could be real hotspots all over the country.Experts believe the US is in a favorable position due to its high vaccination rates. Or that it will be a race against the variant to conquer Delta. Wilson believes that if Delta continues to move fast, the rise in infections could accelerate an upward COVID-19 curve.Instead of a three- to four-year-long pandemic that ends once enough people have been vaccinated (or naturally immune) the increase in cases would be compressed into shorter periods.Wilson states, "That sounds almost good." It is not.He says that if there are too many people infected in one area, the health system can become overwhelmed and more people will be killed. He adds that while it is less likely in the US, this will happen elsewhere in the world. "That's something that we need to be concerned about a lot."4. There are still many things to be learnedIt is important to know if the Delta strain will make your symptoms worse than the original virus.Wilson states that the variant is likely to be more pathogenetic based on the number of hospitalizations in Great Britain, which Wilson claims was about a month ahead the US with Delta.Although more research is necessary, there was some early evidence about the severity of Delta. A study done in Scotland showed that the Delta variant was twice as likely to cause hospitalizations in individuals who were not vaccinated. Vaccines significantly reduced this risk.Another question is about how Delta affects the body. Yildirim states that there have been instances of symptoms other than those caused by the original coronavirus strain.It seems that cough and loss of sense of smell are becoming less common. According to her, headaches, sore throats, runny noses, and fever are all present. This is based on recent UK surveys, where over 90 percent of cases are due the Delta strain."It is not clear if Delta could cause additional breakthrough cases. These are infections that occur in individuals who have been vaccinated, or have natural immunity to a previous COVID-19 infection. Such cases have been very rare.Wilson states that breakthrough is a big question. It doesn't seem like it will be a problem, at least not with immunity from the vaccines mRNA.Public Health England's analysis of two vaccines against Delta showed at least two.Pfizer-BioNTech was 88 per cent effective against symptomatic diseases and 96 per cent effective against hospitalization from Delta, while Oxford AstraZeneca, which is not an mRNA-vaccine, was 60 percent efficient against symptomatic diseases and 93 percent against hospitalization.Participants who received both recommended doses of vaccine were included in the studies.Yildirim states that your risk is much lower than that of someone who hasn't been vaccinated, and you are more secure than before you had your vaccines.Although data on other vaccines against Delta are not available yet, experts believe Moderna could work in a similar way to Pfizer because they both use mRNA vaccines. Johnson & Johnson has not yet provided any information about its effectiveness against Delta. However, it has been proven to prevent deaths and hospitalizations in those infected by other variants.Are people who have been vaccinated against Delta need to be given booster shots? It's still too early to determine if booster shots will be needed to protect against the Delta variant or any other variant. Experts don't know if people who have been vaccinated will require an additional shot to increase their overall immunity.Additional questions and concerns surround Delta Plus, a subvariant of Delta that has been discovered in the US, UK and other countries. Yildirim says that Delta Plus also has a different mutation than the Delta variant. K417N is a mutation that affects spike protein, which the virus uses to infect cells. This is the main target of the mRNA as well as other vaccines, Yildirim says."Delta Plus was first reported in India. However, the type of mutation was also reported in variants like Beta that were earlier. Yildirim says that more data is needed in order to determine the true spread rate and effect of this variant on disease burden, and outcomes.5. The best protection against Delta is vaccinationAccording to doctors, getting fully vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself against Delta. If you receive a two-dose vaccine such as Moderna or Pfizer, then you need to get them both and wait for the two-week recommended time for them to fully take effect. Regardless of whether you have been vaccinated or not, it is important to follow the CDC prevention guidelines for both vaccinated individuals and those who aren't.Yildirim says, "Like all things in life it is an ongoing risk assessment." You should apply sunscreen if it's sunny and you will be outside. You should wear a mask if you're in a crowd, possibly with unvaccinated persons, and you keep your social distance. The best thing for you if you're not vaccinated but are eligible for the vaccine is to get it.There are many people who can't get the vaccine because they have been advised by their doctor to avoid it, or because of personal logistical or other difficulties. Or, they might choose not get it.Is the Delta version enough to motivate those who are able to get vaccinated? Wilson says that although no one knows the answer, it is possible. He encourages anyone with questions regarding vaccination to speak to their family doctor.Wilson states that vaccine rates rise when there are local epidemics. We know that it can alter your risk calculation if someone you care about becomes seriously ill and is admitted to the hospital. This could be happening more. "I'm optimistic that we will see increased vaccine rates."This article was originally published on Futurity. It is republished here with a CC-BY 4.0 license. You can read the original article.