As we were preparing for our trip, we discovered that El Salvador uses the US Dollar as its currency. This made it a lot easier since we didn't need to convert prices when purchasing things.The first stop on the touristy route was to San Salvador's very interesting church. I paid the $20 entry fee and was confused when I received my change.I was presented with a $10 bill as well as a few gold coins. Initial thought was that the coins were local currency, which was still being used. After closer inspection, I noticed a familiar coin I hadn't seen in a while.Do you remember those $1 coins that so many of us bought from the US Mint around 10 years ago? They came with free shipping. A lot of them ended up in El Salvador, it seems.Last night at dinner, we met another American. This was probably our first encounter during this trip. As we chatted, I related the story of how I ordered dollar coins from the US Mint for free miles and points.Ah, the good times!