Photo illustration by The Daily Beast/Photos GettyJim Clyburn may not be able to decide what to do with all the clout he has these days.When asked about the No. Clyburn assisted in bringing in the 3 House Democrat to handle his increasing influence and profile in a Joe Biden administration.Cleaver spoke as if someone had forgotten to tell him.Clyburn, in fact has heard everything about his influence. He knows, like every other Democrat that if he hadn't gotten on stage in South Carolina in Feb 2020 to join hands with Biden, then the primary and the general election might have been very different. Clyburns fellow House Democrats caucus members came up to him and thanked him for saving the party.This is a rare moment of American history, according to Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia. A president of the United States owes only one member of Congress a presidency.Ask the 80-year-old majority whip how he uses his power in a Congress controlled largely by Democratsand a country governed by one very grateful Democratand Cleavers friendly observation might seem to be an indictment.Clyburn stated that he doesn't see himself as playing any role in the administration in an interview with The Daily Beast. I make suggestions, I recommend people, and I do things that I've done all my life, including what I did for Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.A South Carolina Legend Can Save Joe Bidens' Campaign?Clyburn does not actually talk much with the president. Clyburn couldn't recall when he last spoke with Bidenit could have been last week. However, he cannot remember the topic. But that is something his staff keeps track of. He doesn't often visit the president. He visited the Oval Office twice in the first two months of Biden's presidency. This is the same number as Sen. According to White House visitor logs, Rob Portman from Ohio was there twice.Clyburn does not feel that he is required to listen to Biden. Clyburn cited a recent Washington workday as an example. He had a call to Vice President Kamala Harris and a 90-minute meeting, dinner with Cedric Richmond (his former protg on Hill), and ate with him.Continue the storyYou can't deny it. Clyburn stated that Joe Biden doesn't need to be talked to. Talk about what? Talking is fine. I'm comfortable having a drink and playing on the golf course. I don't need to waste his time.Clyburn is not known for being a down-to earth person. Clyburn's colleagues, friends, critics, as well as long-term observers, describe him not only as a down-to-earth figure but also as someone who is a shrewd, laissez-faire figure.Clyburn is a rare politician with so many potential chits. Clyburn seems to have chosen to leave the chits at the table.Despite his unique status in Bidens Washington he hasn't publicly pressured the president and other leaders on issues that he cares about such as economic and racial equality, education, voting rights, or voting rights.Clyburn counters, stating that he exercises his muscles privatelyWhy should he do it publicly? and he also mentioned Biden's fateful endorsement speech in which the soon to be-nominee pledged to place a Black woman on Supreme Court if elected.Clyburn asked, "Who the hell planted that with him?"He said that most of my friends think I have to make a headline. It's not true. I am making headway. Let Joe make the headlines.In a time when Democrats want to maximize their power, there is a need for leaders who can leverage their influence to advance goals such as voting rights and racial justice. There are still some left-leaning party members who feel that Clyburn, while not an enemy of progressives, but certainly no darling, hasn't done enough to address the most important issues right now.Max Berger, a strategist for the progressive group Justice Democrats, stated that Max Berger feels so arch-institutionalist at this point in his career that he wants to preserve his power and those of his allies.Berger stated that it would be understandable for Clyburn, who was a civil rights activist and worked to get Black politicians into the halls of power, to care about having a Black woman serve on the high courts. However, a new generation is concerned about different things.Berger said that Joe Biden is not necessary if your goal to have Black representation in the Democratic Party establishment. You have a lot more to ask of Joe Biden if you want to ensure that he is achieving progressive priorities.Some still believe that his power is more of an illusion.A former Democratic leadership aide said that he is one of the most important figures in American politics. Although he is now more powerful than ever, he is not as influential as many believe.Clyburn's priorities thus far are cited by some. An anonymous Democratic lawmaker said that Clyburn used a lot of his political capital to elevate two key allies from Congress and the administration: Richmond, who is now Bidens director for outreach and engagement, and Marcia Fudge now Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.Clyburn strongly supported Biden's selection of Jaime Harrison, his former aide, as the Democratic National Committee chair. Harrison was a prominent 2020 Senate candidate.Clyburns critics can't seem to get over him because of his leadership experience and key role in Bidens presidency. He is a popular figure on Capitol Hill and has been since before the Biden era.Rep. John Yarmuth, D-KY, stated that he has an extraordinary level of respect from all members. He has been an influential figure in this way since childhood. He doesn't want to be a spokesperson on all issues. He chooses his areas.Allies claim that Clyburn's low-key style makes it difficult to think about his influence in terms of transactional matters.Richmond said to The Daily Beast that if someone said Jim Clyburn is influential, it means they can call you and ask for things. But that's not how I would describe his relationship to the White House. It's something I consider a valued friend.In practice, that means that Clyburns imprint can be seen on all that moves in Washington, according to Rep. Dan Kildee (D–MI), member of the Democratic whipteam. Kildee stated that he didn't bring a laundry list.He brought with him a set values that he was determined to follow. You can see a lot of the things you are seeing in the administration. It is there, whether it is explicit or not. This influence is evident.Majority Whip Jim Clyburn: Sanders Has Never Accepted My EndorsementOthers claim that Clyburn has secretly pushed their views on party's most pressing issues. Madeleine Dean, a Democratic Representative from Pennsylvania, told The Daily Beast that Clyburn's comments on race and government pushed her to support the elimination of the filibuster (the 60-vote threshold) in the Senate.Dean said that his approach is always grounded in history, echoing a common observation made by many Democrats. He was the one who taught me about the filibuster's Jim Crow roots. It was also he who inspired my to read more about it and learn more of its history.Clyburn is a quiet man, according to more than a dozen Democratic legislators, aides and operatives. People listen when he speaks.Clyburn gave high marks to both the Biden administration as well as congressional Democrats in his interview with The Daily Beast. Clyburn did point out one glaring error: the rollout Biden's infrastructure plans.The president and a group Democrat and Republican senators emerged together from the Oval Office on June 24 and announced that they had reached a bipartisan agreement. This was the part Clyburn liked. The part he didn't like was right after.All of that was at risk because Joe Biden, having made all the progress, spoke out about Clyburn's claim that the president promised to make sure a bipartisan agreement is tied to a larger package that only Democrats support. This infuriated GOP negotiators, and put at risk the fragile deal.Clyburn said, "Look at what happened." It is important to be cautious when making headlines. He spent the next 48-hours trying to get back what he said. We would all be better off if it wasn't.Clyburn simply replied, "I hope so." When asked if he felt that Biden had restored the deal to its original track, he said, "I hope so."Clyburn expressed concern about the Democrats' five-seat majority at the House. He said that he believes the party is gaining the support necessary to keep the House in 2022, when Republicans are likely to have an advantage.Clyburn already identified the culprit for Democrats' failure to win in 2022: Progressive sloganeering. Clyburn attributed Democratic losses to 2020 to the GOP's defund the police rallying cry, and told The Daily Beast that this could happen again.Clyburn: Jaime Harrisons Chances to Defund the Police Rhetoric Hurt Jaime HarrisonsClyburn's status post-2020 as something of an oracle political party means that the party pays more attention to his observations on strategy and messaging, especially how it resonates with older Black voters and working-class people.This has reaffirmed what had been a Clyburn characteristic: candidness. He can be described as a mix of a straight-talking truth-teller or a loose-minded cannon, depending on who you ask. Both his allies and critics compare him to the straight-talking uncle or grandfather at the dinner table.Harrison said, "He can speak with clarity and unencumbered because his 80-year-old age and he's a Black man. He's going to say whatever the hell he likes."When delicate policymaking is at risk, there is less patience for the no-filter style. Clyburn, for instance, exasperated many Democrats in May after he showed complete willingness to give up a key priority of police reform negotiations: reforming qualified immune, which protects police officers against lawsuits.Clyburn stated that if we don't get qualified immunity right away, we'll come back later to try and get it. However, I don't want us to throw out a bad bill just because we cant get the perfect bill.One Democratic aide said that those remarks had cut us off at our knees and that a deal seemed far away at the moment. Clyburn, however, stands by his comment and, in doing so, revealed a view he may share with Biden. The Senate is 50-50. Clyburn stated that the 50 Republicans won't get 100 percent of their demands. Why should Democrats be able to get 100 percent of their desired results?Clyburn is not afraid to voice his opinion in delicate intra-party fights. Clyburn jumped in to the latest battle between establishment and progressive Democrats last week by supporting Shontel Brown (moderate opponent of Nina Turner), in a special election for Fudge's seat in a Cleveland congressional District.It offended progressives, who feel the establishment is unable drop its hatred for Sanders and his allies. Many were pleased to see him leave. One Democratic lawmaker said that this was a powerful message to Democrats, who are becoming increasingly frustrated by the hard left agenda and its driving force. He is the tip of the spear.Clyburn's reasons for entering were more personal, to be sure.According to him, one of his daughters had been looking at social media last week and noticed that Turner and her friends were disparaging Clyburn. Clyburn stated that he had not said a word. He then responded. He asked why he didn't do it if I got credit.The Turner episode focuses on a topic that is hard to ignore when Clyburn mentions it: generational differences within Democratic Party, especially within the Congressional Black Caucus where some of the party's most steadfast members of the old guard are now joined by younger members.Jamaal Bowman (D.NY), one of those younger members, was once on the other end of a Clyburn endorsementlastyear, when Bowman defeated former Rep. Eliot Engel during a Democratic primary. Bowman, now in Congress, says he still has a deep respect for Clyburn who he considers a bigger than life figure.Mr. Bowman said that Clyburn was always respectful of me and has been supportive, giving advice and support. He calls me back when I call him and we talk, but also disagree. That's healthy.Bowman, who supported Turner, stated that he did not always agree with Clyburn politically. He said that he could endorse anyone he wanted and we'll see how it turns out.The most delicate issue is the one between old and new when it comes to the future political prospects of the Democratic Party's older leaders. Clyburn is 80. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker (D-CA), is 81. Majority Leader Steny Hopyer (D–MD) is at 82.Many younger Democrats have been driven insane by the trio's almost 20-year grip on caucus leadership.Clyburn announced that he will run for a 16th term as Pelosi's candidate in 2022, amid concerns about his future. Clyburn is being rumored to be interested in the speaker's podium. If Pelosi were to retire, it would be difficult for Biden not to endorse him. Even if it was a temporary role, it would make Biden the first Black Speaker in the House.Clyburn denied rumors that he was interested in the position of speakership. He said that even if Speaker Pelosi was to leave, I don't see why I wouldn't support Steny, except if one of my closest friends were to run.His allies and the majority whip bristle at suggestions that it is time for him home, no matter what his ambitions may be. Clyburn, who was speaking to reporters in South Carolina on Thursday, explained that he is fit for office at age 80 by boasting about how he can play on the golf course. Some observers believe that this proves that he is right where he needs to be.Bowman said that Clyburn is light on his feet but sharp as a needle. It's his right to stay if he's still agile and light on his feet.Clyburn stated that anyone who feels it is time to go home can challenge him. His friends claim that he would be delighted to retire as whip whenever that happens.Jim Clyburn, at the end of it all, is happy with his political career and his life. Harrison stated that he was very satisfied with how he's been able transform so many lives. His shoulders are mine. Jim Clyburn is the reason for everything I do.Cleavers' answer was probably more direct. He said that there is nothing he doesn't want.When asked what he wanted to accomplish after he left office, Clyburn stated that he was trying to make America's greatness available and affordable for all.Clyburn stated that there was no end date for such a project when The Daily Beast pointed out this.Clyburn stated that he didn't put an end to it. There is no question or period. Every word is a semicolon.The Daily Beast has more information.Every day, we send you the top stories. Register nowDaily Beast Membership: Beast Inside focuses on stories that are important to you. Find out more.