AP Photo/John MinchilloJoey Chestnut can't be stopped.Sunday's record-breaking Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest saw the GOAT of competitive cooking add another Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest to his trophy collection. He ate a record 76 hot dog. Chestnut held the previous record of 75 hot dogs consumed, which he set back in 2020.In the past six years, the American has consumed more than 70 hotdogs. Nathan is the only one to have reached the 70-dog mark in Nathan's entire history.Chestnut ran at a blistering pace of 90 dogs for the first half, before slowing down in five minutes. He was not challenged in the field.Chestnut stated that the crowd motivated him to continue when he started slowing down. This contrasts with the 2020 competition which did not allow for fans due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Michelle Lesco won the pink belt in the women's contest with 30 3/4 hot dogs. This is the lowest number of winners since Nathan started holding the pink belt competition, and it's almost 18 behind Miki Sudo’s 2020 total.The 14 Nathan's titles won by Chestnut are the most historic in history.