They won't even get on the floor to debate their position. That is what's wrong with filibuster, Clyburn stated. They did it.Many Democrats feel that the Senate filibuster is preventing them from addressing critical issues. In recent years, many have supported this idea. The idea is still being opposed by some members of the moderate wing of the party, as well as large swathes of Republicans who believe that the 60 vote threshold allows for bipartisan compromise.Clyburn maintained that he was not against the filibusters' continued existence but stated that the rules surrounding their use need to be changed.He said that he was not against filibuster. No one should filibuster anyone's constitutional rights.Clyburn's comments were meant to be a response from Sen. Joe Manchin (D.W.Va.), one the party's most prominent defenders of filibuster.Clyburn was also questioned about the impasse in a bipartisan working party on reforming policing legislation. The group has passed several informal deadlines and talks have stalled.While he acknowledged that negotiations are in flux, he said that he had received assurances from Sen. Tim Scott (R.S.C.), that negotiations were still on track.Clyburn stated that we still have some time between July break and the beginning of August for this to be completed. It's possible, I believe.