Local fame for MILF Mobiles has not been without its challenges. Every Maine Facebook viral post featuring the mid 2000s whip is met with a flood of replies demanding that Glidden change her van's controversial design. Unfortunately, the state legislators have been listening to internet hate.Glidden stated that the plate refers to the fact that all four of my children were exclusively breastfed. It also reflects the fact that I often drive topless. Maine is in reality a topless state.Gliddens also ride sports kids in this bitch. If one falls out, honk. Condoms stop minivan stickers. The TITSOUT vanity plate is attached to the MILF Mobiles bumper.Everyone loves my van except Karens, Glidden stated, using a pejorative term that refers to entitled white women. Karens hate it.A new Maine law, which eliminated the power of the secretary-of-states to reject vanity plates that contained offensive, contemptuous or prejudicial messages, was passed in 2015. Diamond wants to change this.The program's founding purpose was to create tourist attractions that are fun and creative, while making money for the state. The initiative has been a huge success. The program generates approximately $2 million annually and has over 119,000 vanity plates.State Senator William Diamond, D-Windham introduced a bill to ban vulgar and inappropriate vanity plates on January 19. He was Maine's secretary of State during 1989's creation of vanity plates.Diamond stated that while I am not a prude nor interested in letting Big Brother control our lives, what we now allow has gone beyond the original purpose of vanity plates. This is not an attempt at implementing strict puritan guidelines. There are many opportunities to express your opinions.The proposal by Diamonds states that vanity plates are state property, and can be recalled at anytime. The secretary of state can also reject vulgar or obscene plates applications.Shenna Bellows is Maine's current secretary-general. She strongly supports Diamonds' proposal. At a public hearing held before the state Legislatures Joint Standing Committee on Transportation on 5/5, she supported Diamonds' vanity plate bill.As a child, the license plate game was one of my favourite games on road trips. Bellows stated that this was not a game she would recommend to Maine's children today. The F-word and other offensive words are everywhere. We have seen an increase in offensive plates.Bellows stated that about 420 plates are vulgar enough to be banned. Bellows also mentioned that about 420 plates are currently considered too vulgar to be banned.I don't worry about vanity plates. Glidden stated that my children see and hear much worse things every day from TV, books and video games. My children are 14 and 11, 7 and 5 years old. They all love my car. It's funny how my older children have become more popular because of it.The Transportation Committee voted 7-4 in favor of the Diamonds bill's passage on May 5. On June 8, the Maine Senate and House approved Diamonds bill, and Governor. Janet Mills signed the bill into law one week later.Glidden voted for Bernie Sanders 2016 and Jo Jorgenson 2020. She wasn't happy about the result. She claims the vanity plate law violates the First Amendment and plans to protest it with a vehicle-free speech demonstration.I am currently working on a design to make a large vinyl wrap that will fit my van. Glidden stated that it will say "TITS OUT" in large letters, with a red streak running diagonally and swear words throughout the entire thing. It's like if lyrics from the song Shit Piss Fuck were turned into a huge, offensive decal. This might make the state regret having to worry about offensive vanity plates.Protests of vanity plates are not the only problem. They will likely be subject to First Amendment-related appeals or lawsuits. License plates have been used as cudgels in this case for more than 40 years.For instance, David Montenegro (legal name Human) sued the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles in 2014. Officials rejected his request for a COPSLIE vanity number plate, but instead issued him GR8GOVT.New Hampshire's Supreme Court ruled that the DMVs were not in the best taste of a reasonable person. This was in response to Humans suit. It cited the violation of the free speech clause of the 5-0 state constitution.Blue Hill's Dave Wardamasky is an example of the upcoming free speech conflicts within the Pine Tree State. Wardamasky suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrigs syndrome. Wardamasky's license plate currently says FUCKALS. However, Maine's new law would allow Wardamasky to interpret his message the same way as a plate that reads FUCKYOU.Wardamasky stated that although I don't often get negative feedback about my plate, it is something I enjoy. I tell them to stop expressing outrage over a single word and to focus that anger on this terrible disease, ALS. This is why people are dying and there is no solution.Wardamasky believes the vanity plate is a tribute to those with ALS as well as his frustrations dealing with the disease. Wardamasky has been fighting the disease for nearly two years. He considers himself fortunate to have experienced such a gradual progression that one of his close friends took the forever dirt nap six months after being diagnosed.I loved hiking and being outdoors. Wardamasky stated that ALS has made it impossible for me to walk to the toilet. I have trouble emptying the dishwasher and putting the plates away. I can't reach the top shelf to grab my coffee mugs. Fuck ALS. Do you think I can tie my shoes or button my pants? It's not going to happen. Don't be a fool of ALS.Wardamasky and Glidden believe that the state's new vanity plate law is a waste money and time. Both plan to appeal the state's decision to recall their plates.Glidden stated that we were granted five years of freedom to put whatever we like on our license plates. Now, suddenly, someone whined like an aspoiled brat, can I say Karen? So freedom of speech is no longer applicable?Glidden stated that I will not be returning my plate, nor will most Mainers. The MILF Mobile will not be cancelled.