Drilling was complete on Sunday. The remaining structure was to be down by 10 p.m. on Sunday and 3 a.m. on Monday. This was subject to any last-minute glitches such as someone getting into the restricted area around the building. Raide Jadallah, Miami-Dade Assistant Fire Chief, informed relatives of those who were missing in the collapse.He said that up to 210 rescuers are ready to resume the search once the site has been declared safe. Officials from rescue agencies have stated that this would take between 15 and an hour.Since the initial hours of the June 24th collapse, no one has been saved alive.Since Saturday afternoon, the search at Surfside has been suspended to allow workers to begin drilling. Jadallah stated that the suspension was necessary due to the possibility of the structure collapsing. However, a relative could call the news devastating.Rescuers have so far recovered the remains and information on 24 victims, while 121 are still missing. Others were lucky to escape. On Saturday, the Miami-Dade Police Department added Graciela Kattarossi (48) and Gonzalo Torre (81) to the list.Jadallah stated that the debris will be removed as soon as the structure has been demolished. This will allow rescuers to gain access to the areas of the garage that are of particular interest. This could provide a better picture of the possible voids in the rubble that could harbor survivors. Officials have promised to continue looking despite the slim chance of anyone being found alive under the rubble.Charles Burkett, Surfside Mayor, stated that nobody is in control and would not stop the rescue effort.As far as I am concerned, this rescue effort will continue until everyone is freed from the debris.Officials started to consider the demolition of Champlain Towers Thursday after parts of the building moved, posing danger for rescuers. They also had to suspend their work for 15 hours.With forecasts indicating strong winds could be in the area by Monday, Tropical Storm Elsa is putting more urgency on those plans. Although the storm has moved westward in the latest forecasts, it is sparing South Florida. However, Robert Molleda, National Hurricane Center meteorologist, said that the area could still feel the effects.