Watch video content @McConaughey/TwitterMatthew McConaughey looks awfully gubernatorial in his 4th-of July message to America - but his message sounds pretty damn appealing... Let's unite and sing about it!Actor and Texas Governor hopeful, Matt just posted a video addressed specifically to the United States. It's full of classic MMC charm but beneath all the showmanship and charisma, Matt actually has a great sentiment to share.You should check it out. The guy is talking about how as a nation we need to be constantly reminded that we are striving for an ideal and that we should work together towards that goal. He even suggested a new national anthem.His remarks are set against a backdrop of renewed conversation about what America means today and who it is for. Macy Gray called for a new flag. Gwen Berry, an Olympic hammer thrower, turned her back on that flag/anthem.Matt believes that these feelings should not be avoided, but instead to be embraced and worked to improve for all. He recognizes that we need to be inclusive in our individual pursuits, because it benefits everyone. And he reminds us, we are Americans united as one. It's full of politico prose, we know.Matt, a hypothetical candidate for the governorship between him and the incumbent governor, has recently shown favorability. Greg Abbott (a Republican -- but not by much.Texas Governor PollingAbbott (R), 39%McConaughey (D), 38%Abbott (R), 45%O'Rourke 33%46% Abbott (R).Huffines (D), 22%UTT / June 29, 2020 / n=1090/ MOE 3 / Telephonehttps://t.co/tappCOK7itPolling USA (@USA_Polling), July 4, 2021 @USA_PollingStill, he's doing better than any of the actual politicians who are rumored/already planning to run... such as Beto O'Rourke or Don Huffines. All things being equal, he is considered the favorite to face Abbott.