Your monthly retirement benefits will depend on your age when you claim Social Security.You will receive 100% of the amount you have earned, based on your contributions to this program. You will also get more if you wait to 70.There is no reason to wait until you are 70. Your benefits won't get bigger.Only 54% of the MassMutual quiz respondents were able correctly answer a question about whether their monthly checks would increase if they delayed claiming retirement benefits beyond age 70.Learn more about Personal FinanceStates believe that free joints and other perks will increase interestMore colleges require Covid vaccinesAs return-to-work programs kick in, more people are planning to quit.It can be costly to not know the right answer.David Freitag, a MassMutual expert in financial planning and Social security, stated that if you wait beyond 70, you cannot go back six months to replace the monthly checks you have lost.This was one of 12 questions in a true-or-false quiz that was given to 1,500 people between 55 and 65 who have yet to claim their benefits.Some respondents were also surprised by other facts about the program.According to the results, 22% of those nearing retirement did not know that you can't collect both your spouse's and your own benefits if your spouse dies. (You typically get yours or your spouse’s benefits, depending on which is greater.30% of respondents didn't know they could claim benefits based on the work history of their ex-spouse. You must be married for at least 10 year, and other qualifications are required.