Lonnie Lambert was on his Lake Como porch, looking out at fireworks as the stragglers made their way home from Saturday's first ComoFest.He was at the block party with his family, which featured live music and local vendors. It ended around 10 p.m. He was enjoying a drink, looking out at the sky, and relaxing with his grandchildren.He heard gunshots at 1:20 a.m.He didn't immediately recognize the sound as gunshots because of all the firecrackers and fireworks that were being set off around the area. He said that the sound was not the same, but he was astonished when he heard people running towards his property and heard the screams.Eight people were injured in a shooting that took place in the early hours on July 4. Police stated that the shooting occurred outside Lambert's front porch. Multiple guns were also used. Sunday afternoon saw no arrests.Police said that the gunshot victims were stabilized at local hospitals. MedStar reports that at least one victim was in critical condition.Officers from the Patrol were stationed in the 3400 block Horne Street when they heard gunshots.Lambert stated that his first thought was about his children, who were in the house and protecting them.Lambert stated that I was aware I could be shot and become an innocent bystander. Lambert agreed.He was vigilant and tried to keep everyone away. He didn't want anyone to fire in his direction or risk his grandchildren being hurt.Lambert stated that he doesn't feel less safe in Como because of the shooting. Lambert plans to take his wife and grandchildren out to Como for Monday's Independence Day parade.He said that this kind of thing does not happen until most people go home. Families can enjoy Como when the festivities are fully underway without any fear.Continue the storyLambert was outside getting charcoal ready at 11 a.m. on July 4th, watching as his neighbors cleaned up the debris from the block party. Some people used leaf blowers to remove cardboard from the street, while others used brooms for sweeping it into dustpans.He stated that he was getting ready for Independence Day by grilling some food for his family and felt completely safe. Others who were cleaning up after the celebrations said that they weren't concerned either.Two Como residents are helping with the cleanup after the party.Bobby Johnson also echoed this sentiment.Johnson, a local resident, attended the festival and said that he did not see or hear any shootings in the early hours on July 4. However, Johnson hopes it will not stop people from enjoying the rest or going to the parade Monday.Johnson stated that it happens occasionally and doesn't matter where you live. Johnson said that not everyone will be there for the same reason, but it did happen later. It was a great time.He stated that families came out in large numbers to party on Saturday night, and the shooting did not take place until all families were present.Johnson cited the recent shooting at Hurricane Harbor water park in Arlington and said that there will always be people who want trouble wherever you go.Johnson stated that this happens at around 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. when people who are just looking to have fun are still in bed. Only those who are trying to cause trouble are allowed out.Other residents also shared their thoughts with Star-Telegram, but they did not want to be identified. Some residents felt the area was unsafe for visitors, and they told Star-Telegram that it would be best to avoid the area. However, most people said that they were not concerned about the shooting.One churchgoer who left a July 4 service stated that she didn't worry about safety during the day, or at public events. She stated that she does not believe the people living in the area are responsible for the problems.The woman who declined to be identified said that these things are often people from the outside. The third was a great day. It shouldn't be poisonous.She stated that she no longer lives in the area, but was born and raised there. She plans to return Monday to the parade with her parents, who still reside in the neighborhood.Others who were returning home from church near the scene of the shooting expressed concern that the shooting would not ruin the enjoyment of the block party, or make it look bad. They wanted people to see it as a great, family-friendly event for their historic neighborhood. It was also an opportunity to celebrate America's independence.