AmazonTBH, even though I'm an adult with no children, it would be a great pleasure to wake up every morning with this little gadget.Promising review: "I've had the Hatch Baby Rest Night Light about six months. It was a great tool for sleep training our toddler. It is very easy to set up and works well. The app is great. I was able to easily customize the time he sleeps, wakes, or nap times. I chose a soft amber color for his nightlight and had it change to green in the morning when he should wake up. Although he may not yet be able to understand the concept of colors, I can see it becoming a much more useful tool in the future. Some reviews stated that the white noise was too loud, but that did not apply to me. With multiple colors, you can control the volume and brightness of the sound. PeteAmazon has it for as low as $59.99+. You can also purchase it with decorative covers.If you need more features for your bedtime, the Hatch Rest+ is also available!