James DeMonaco finds the Fourth of July a strange time.The creator of Universal's action horror franchise laughs at Zoom: "It's almost like 'Purge day' in my life." "I try not to get too overwhelmed by it, but [the movies] have changed the meaning of this holiday for me."I was not interested in doing another one, unless we could turn The Purge upside-down.The Purge takes place in a dystopian America, where murder and all other crimes are legalized one night per year. It is a popular horror movie and is closely linked to Fourth of July weekend thanks to clever marketing and timely release dates. DeMonaco spent many summers promoting new chapters of his brutal satire since unleashing The Purge on unsuspecting viewers in 2013. There are fireworks, hotdogs, murder, and mayhem.DeMonaco's The Forever Purge is breaking the Purge mould as moviegoers return to the theaters on Independence Day. This comes after one of our most political times in recent history. This sprawling thriller opens up new possibilities for the franchise and could lead us to faraway places in the U.S.A. DeMonaco may even get back his holiday weekend with a sequel."People won't listen to the final siren." Credit to universal picturesDeMonaco describes the fifth film in The Forever Purge, which was directed by Everardo Valerio. "Then, I realized something. "Purgers don't listen to laws so why would they ever cease?"This is a virus of hate and you cannot contain it.Viciously expanding upon the pulpy patriotism of The New Founding Fathers of America, a pro-Purge party we got better acquainted with in The Purge. Election Year (2016) The Forever Purge focuses a rogue group of Purgers who want to keep the country's lawless night of violence going year-round. They're successful by the film's frightening end. Just as the NFFA falls to power, the "Ever After Purge", which these aggressors call it, takes root.DeMonaco says, "I've always stated that you can't control this; it is a virus of hate." He cites Purge Night's history of targeting vulnerable people, including the poor, over the years. "That's where [this idea] began taking off the idea that you cannot contain the Purge to just one evening and that people won't listen to that last siren, they're going on."From left: Elijah Hardin (Jeffrey Doornbos), and Adela (Ana de la Reguera), in The Forever Purge directed by Everardo Valerio. Credit:DeMonaco calls it the "end of America" and sends Americans who don't want to live in Mad Max-like times to flee to other countries. In a subtle nod towards the Mexico-U.S. border crises, The Forever Purge's last scene shows its survivors fleeing from Texas to Mexico where they are greeted by the first "American" child."We have always wanted to make it international."Fans of the franchise are not done with the Purge after America is "reborn" by this night of barbarism."Four months back, if I was asked if there would be a Purge 6, my answer would be, "No, it's over." DeMonaco states that Purge 5 was the end. "Then, I woke up one morning and had an idea."DeMonaco believes that The Forever Purge is the final movie in the hellish storyline. However, a sixth Purge movie could see this holiday/horror movie spread around the world. This idea was originally conceived by DeMonaco for a Purge TV Series, but is now more suited for the big screen."I have always stated, 'You cannot contain this.' It's like a virus. Credit: universal photosThe screenwriter said, "We've always wanted it to go international with that," adding that the script he is currently working on includes the return of Leo Barnes (Frank Grillo)."American culture spreads across the globe... The Purge could also spread in the fictional world of Purge. We've always wanted that to be explored.