Just thought it was strange that my ancestors were all farmers and carpenters living in Western Minnesota. My grandfather left this place to go west after WWII. I was born here. My great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, and great great grandparents were all here. All lived further north on the plateau of Lake Agassiz. The prairie was flat, and there were no hills to stop the wind from whipping across the farm. I was then able to stumble upon a small collection old photos.Jens Westad, my great-great grandfather. He was not someone I had ever met. The photo must be taken around the turn century.The formal style is very appealing to me. Peter Westad, my great-grandfather is the tallest kid in the back. Although I knew him well, I visited him often and did chores such as weeding his garden. He died when I was 13. He was a handsome man with a thick mustache.This photo is likely to have been taken during his twenties. It could also have been around 1906, when he married my great grandmother, who was also a wonderful cook and could make a delicious pie or fishhead soup. Here she is in a family photo.This photo must have been taken in the 1930s before my grandfather (the young man at the far left) was sent to the far Pacific islands for his army runways.Since I have deep roots in the region, I believe I should spend some time this summer visiting the north country around Gary and Fertile Minnesota. It's unlikely that anyone will remember Westads or what is left of their residence damn. But humans are permanent and it would be nice to get a glimpse of the land that shaped me.Alsospider collecting trip