BEIJING (AP). Fed up with work stress Guo Jianlong left a job as a reporter in Beijing and moved to the mountains southwest of China to find sanity.Guo is one of a few prominent urban professionals in China who have chosen to give up their grueling jobs for a life of low-desire. This is in direct contradiction to the party's 100th anniversary celebrations.Guo, 44 years old, is now a freelance writer in Dali. This town is located in Yunnan province and is known for its beautiful scenery and traditional architecture. He married a woman that he met in Dali.Guo stated that although work was okay, I didn't enjoy it as much. Is there anything wrong with being independent and not looking for the money?The resistance movement of lying flat is to a cycle that includes horrors from high-pressure Chinese schools and jobs with seemingly endless hours, Liao Zenghu, a novelist, wrote in Caixin. This magazine is the most important business magazine in China.Liao wrote that in today's society, every move is watched and every action criticized. Is there a more rebellious act that lying flat? "It's not clear how many people have quit their jobs and moved out of big cities. The packed subway stations in Shanghai and Beijing at rush hour show that most young Chinese are hardworking for the best jobs.The ruling party is still trying to stop this trend. To develop technology and other industries, Beijing requires skilled workers. China's population is aging and the number of people working has fallen by about 5% since 2011.According to the commentary of the Southern Daily newspaper, struggle itself is a form of happiness. It is shameful to choose to be flattered in the face pressure.This trend is similar to those in Japan and other countries, where young people are adopting anti-materialist lifestyles as a response to the bleak job prospects.Continue the storyChina's economic output per capita has doubled in the last decade according to official data. However, many people are unhappy that the gains have gone mostly to a few tycoons or state-owned businesses. According to professionals, their incomes are not keeping up with rising housing and child care costs.Four professors were quoted in China talking about lying flat. This was a sign that the issue is politically sensitive.A sign of discontent from the government is the disappearance of T-shirts, mobile phone cases, and other products featuring Lie Flat designs on online shopping platforms.Urban workers complain that their work hours have increased to 9-9 6 or 9 a.m.-9 p.m. six days per week.Slavery is generally believed to have ended. It has not died, but it has adapted to the new economic era. A Douban social media site posted that Xia Bingbao (or Summer Hailstones) wrote about this fact.Many of the most successful graduates in their 20s, who are expected to have the best job opportunities, admit that they are tired from "exam hell" at high school and university. They don't see the point in making further sacrifices.I don't want to chase fame or fortune. Zhai Xiangyu (a 25-year old graduate student) said that she is tired.Professionals are ending their careers to gain more experience.Xu Zhunjiong is a Shanghai-based human resources manager. She said that she will be moving to her homeland with her Croatian husband, Xu Zhunjiong.I want to retire young. Xu stated that he doesn't want to fight anymore. I'm going to other locations.Many people vented their frustration online following the May announcement by the Communist Party that official birth limits would be relaxed to allow couples to have three children, instead of two. Although the party has been imposing birth restrictions since 1980 in order to limit population growth, it worries China with its low economic output and need for more young workers.Websites were inundated with complaints within minutes of the announcement. They claimed that the move did not help parents with child care costs and long work hours, as well as discrimination against mothers, and the need to care for elderly parents.Xia writes about her move to Zhejiang, south of Shanghai, after she had worked in Hong Kong. She stated that her rent consumed 60% of her income, despite having a high-status job in English-language reporting and that she didn't have any money at the end each month.She refutes the argument that young people who lie down are abandoning economic success. This is despite the fact that many people in an economy that has a growing gap between the wealthy and the majority already lack the means to achieve it.She wrote that the workforce becomes cheap and easily replaceable when resources are shifted to the top and their families. Is it wise to trust your destiny to the small handouts of others?Interview request declined by XiaGuo, the Dali writer, stated that he works more as a freelancer than at a newspaper. But he's happier and more comfortable than he used to be. He and his wife enjoy breakfast on their sixth-floor balcony, which has a view over the trees.Guo stated that as long as I can write, I will be satisfied. I don't feel restricted.Only a few people can afford to quit their jobs.According to a Beijing architect, a 27-year old woman said that she began saving money as a teenager in order to attain financial freedom.When I realized that my savings totaled 2 million yuan ($300,000) in September last year, I laid down," said the woman. She would only give her name Nana in an interview via her social media accounts.Nana stated that she rejected a job paying 20,000 Yuan ($3,000 per month) because of the long hours and limited creative opportunities.Nana said, "I want to be free of rigid rules." I want to travel and be happy.___Fu reported from Bangkok. This report was contributed by Chen Si, an Associated Press researcher from Shanghai.