1971Virus ControlThe only way to prevent virus-related diseases in clinical practice is to inject a vaccine that induces the body's production of antibodies. Interferon, which is the cell's first line of defense, is another option. The Merck Institute's group focused on poly I:C, an active substance. This compound has great potential to exploit the interferon mechanism. After a series of tests to rule out autoimmune disorders, polyI:C will be available for human trials for the prevention of infections caused by viruses.Researchers have conducted human trials of interferon in 2021 to treat COVID-19. However, the results are not clear.1921Human ImmortalityAn expert surgeon kept alive for over eight years a little bit of embryo chick tissue by using artificial means. It is remarkable that the embryo chick can live forever if it is properly cared for. It is clear that there is no apparent ageing of individual cells. This is in connection with the work of other scientists. Although we may be immortal in theory, we are actually not. This is because when one part of our bodies fails, it causes failure in all other parts. The whole thing collapses. It seems that as long as we are able to prevent any part from crashing, we will continue to live a full and active life. Maybe we will live to 100 years. If a hundred, why not a thousand.Marie Curie's Weighty AwardMme. Curie set sail on the Olympic on June 25th, carrying her precious gram radium. A beautiful mahogany case was provided by the Bureau of Standards, lined with steel and lead. It is not heavy at 130 pounds, but it is quite small. It is composed of small compartments made of lead and steel. Each one holds a small tube of radium salts. The lid is decorated with a gold plate and the following insignia: Inscribed by the President of America on behalf of the Women of America to Madame Marie Sklodowska-Curie as a tribute to her extraordinary service to science, humanity and the discovery of radioium. May 20, 1921, White House '1871Calculus is Good for YouAll metaphysicians, educators and others agree that calculus has more mental faculties than any other branch. Professors need to recognize this fact and treat their institution as a mental gymnasium that gives the mind the exercise it needs to achieve its highest potential. This is why solving problems in calculus and in all branches of pure mathematics has such value. By focusing on abstract ideas, the mind can be trained to tackle difficult or complex subjects that are part of everyday life.Backyard Gas WellEvery room in a Pennsylvania mansion had a gas-well apparatus. Fires could be lit at any time. The kitchen had a complete and large range. This gas is the only source of heating and lighting in this house. The well is located in the backyard and is protected by a small home. The bore is 5100 x 20 feet deep and lined with iron pipe. It also has a safety valve.