It's Caturday and instead of reading the Talmud, you will be looking through three cat items.The Independent has the first one (click on image)It wasn't a zombie cat, but it was a case mistaken identity. The paper recounts:The family was shocked to learn that the cat they thought they had cremated returned home looking as though nothing had happened. Frankie, a tabby 16-year-old, did not return home to Warrington, Cheshire on the 19th of May. His owners began a search to find a similar dead cat on M6. Rachel Fitzsimons was his owner. She said that he returned to life, albeit frail and hungry, but still alive. We cremated another cat. Frankie's seven-year-old son Remy said that it was a miracle. We thought he was dead.They could recognize their cat, first of all. They could have made their cat wear a collar or chipped. A roadkill cat could have been made unrecognizable by being smashed flat like a pancake. . .Frankie should in any case be renamed Lazarus***************Here's a video featuring Didga, Boomer and other talented cats. They have been featured before in these pages. Their staff is very skilled at training them. Boomer and Didga, both Australian cats, have world records for cat feats.****************Curtis Sliwa was the founder of Guardian Angels. This private group of volunteers with red vests patrolled New York's streets and subways looking out for troubled citizens and making arrests. Now, the group has expanded to 130 cities in 13 countries and Sliwa is running as a Republican for mayor of New York City. (He will lose.However, the story below is about Sliwa's cats. His wife and he live in a small apartment on the Upper West Side of NYC. They have 15rescue and 15count cats. Click here to read the New York Post storyHow do you manage 15 cats in one apartment? Think about the litter boxes! They are able to manage their litter boxes and keep them clean.Three windows face the street and are ideal for bird watching or a day in the sun. They have been retrofitted to include chicken wire so that the cats can make their own outdoor spaces while they lounge on the sills. The main wall of the apartment is covered by three towering cat condos. In the kitchen, two private cat hotels can be found perched on top of cabinets which offer a bird's eye view of all the action below.There are many human decorations on the shelves and tables throughout the apartment. However, there are increasing numbers of cat toys stuffed along with them. They threaten to take over every space in the studio. Nancy Beth Sliwa Sliwas's wife, said that she prefers to use electronic toys that the cats can chase as it is difficult to keep track of all of them. She flung two toy wands about the room. The cat mom explained that they clean their litter boxes at least three days a week, which is a massive 18 scoopings per day. This allows them to keep clean and healthy living conditions. Because the heavy-duty cleaners can cause illness in cats, I use vanilla candles.They deserve it. They are true animal lovers and all of their cats had to be put down before they could be saved. Many of the cats are still in transit. Sliwa, his wife, and their rescuers are trying to find forever homes for them.They explained that although they are happy to give their home to death row cats, they also try to adopt out as many as possible. We have adopted out 10 cats this year, and taken in between 20-25 cats. There are four cats that we have planned to adopt out. Curtis stated that he will also take in four more kitties when the others go. Curtis added that older, less-healthy kittens will become lifetime residents. The cat daddy says that his furry roommates have been wonderful for his health, despite the hard work and the cramped conditions. Curtis said it is a de-stressor. They can actually bring you tranquility. The cats were able to calm me down when I was suffering from high blood pressure due to chronic Crohns disease. This is what cats can do.They don't do it because they want. They are cats after all!h/t/Jez, Divy and Ginger K.