Protesters in large numbers have taken to the streets of Brazil's largest cities to protest against the president they believe is responsible for over half a million deaths from coronavirus.On Saturday, thousands marched through Rio de Janeiro as protestors demanded Jair Bolsonaros' impeachment. This was in response to allegations that his government tried to profit illegally from the purchase Covid vaccines.As she joined the rally, Benedita da Silva (a 79-year old congresswoman and veteran of Brazil's left) said that the people had woken.Magda Souza (64-year-old dissident) marched through Rio with Jos Baptisa. Souza said that they were surrounded by barbarism as a police helicopter hovered above the crowd.Souza wore a brightly colored T-shirt calling for Bolsonaros leftwing antagonist, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Luiz has recently returned to the political scene following his political rights being restored. He is expected to run next year for the presidency. Many demonstrators said that they weren't members of Brazil's left, but simply wanted to get rid of the far-right leader who they claimed condemned thousands to death by his chaotic and now suspect corrupt coronavirus response.A supreme court judge ordered Friday's investigation into Bolsonaro's failure to act following being alerted about suspicions of corruption in the purchase of millions of Covid vaccines by the Indian pharmaceutical company Bharat Biotech. Official data shows that more than 522,000 Brazilians have died from coronavirus. This is second only to the US, and the epidemic in South America is still not under control.08:43 Protest leader from Brazil determined to bring down Bolsonaros' genocidal government - videoPatricia Ribeiro (47-year-old registrar) said that she had never been to a street protest before but was here to pay tribute her brother, Pedro Ribeiro. Pedro Ribeiro died in March after being bitten by Covid and having to spend eight days on a ventilator.She said that I am responsible for the death of my brothers. They act as if we are worthless, as though human life is worthless.Ribeiro said he had many dreams. Ribeiro also mentioned her brother, a singlefather about to graduate university who leaves two orphaned kids.Daniel Melo (18 years old) was a student who came to the memory of Conceio, his grandmother, who died from Covid. Melo stated that she was admitted to hospital but never returned home. He also said that Brazil's president, a genocidal dictator, failed to warn citizens about the dangers of coronavirus, a disease Bolsonaro dismissed as little flu.Melo said that he wanted to kill everybody.Protesters waved Brazil's yellow-green flag, a symbol that Jair Bolsonaros used to claim the flag from his followers.It's not their flag. It's the Brazilian flag. We are Brazilians. Brazil belongs to us all. We are the children this nation. We are patriots just like they claim to be," said Andr da Silva (leftist activist from Movimento Favela Ao), who was one of those wearing the Brazilian flag.Paulo Betti was a well-known actor and director who also brought Brazil's green and yellow Jack. The 68-year old said that they were here to honor the dead and declare: We are still alive!, attacking Bolsonaros attack on the Brazilian Amazon.Slvia Buarque, an actor well-known for saying Bolsonaro should be removed immediately, stated that we cannot allow this destruction continue. I have been convinced by this pandemic that we must vote him out [in 2022].Reports indicate that anti-Bolsonaro protests took place in several of Brazil's most important cities such as Belm, Recife and So Paulo, as well as European cities like London, Barcelona, and Dublin.Maurcio Machado (a 43-year old waiter) stated that the primary goal is to bring down Bolsonaro. He arrived at the Rio rally wearing a face mask inscribed with the words Genocidal Bolsonaro. Biological threat.Machado stated that Bolsonaro is a biological danger, a political threat and an extraterrestrial menace.Guilherme Boulos is a prominent leftist who was one of the organizers of the So Paulo rally. He said that the Covid corruption accusations had increased public anger at Bolsonaro. Boulos stated that it was the first time that he believes impeachment is possible, and praised the fact rightwingers are now joining the protest movement.Political observers doubt Bolsonaros impending demise and point to Arthur Lira's opposition to impeachment. Lira is the president of Brazils lower chamber. Lira would have to approve the imposition of impeachment proceedings. At Saturday's demonstrations, the politician who was part of the powerful political bloc that backed Bolsonaro was in the crosshairs of protesters. One banner: Arthur Lira, accomplice to genocideAnother poster stated, "Vaccines are not bribes."