Lincoln was able to grasp two crucial ideas and brilliantly combined them. He could call Congress into special session to use democracy to save democracy by increasing spending and public support for the cause. He could ask that the session meet on July 4 to link his efforts with the Declaration of Independence and the memory of a country which began in the most idealistic manner.Lincoln never had the same glittering career as Jefferson Davis. He only held one term in the House of Representatives, which was not very successful 12 years before. He had a long-standing relationship with the Declaration of Independence. He had read it several times since he was a child, when he found it in a book of Indiana statutes. He seemed to get taller as he talked about it, just like he did during his debates alongside Stephen Douglas. He loved the second paragraph with its promise of fundamental rights for all people. These human rights were a strong argument against human bonds.A Southern way to read the Declaration was also available. This is a free pass for disgruntled voters looking to establish a new country following a dissatisfying election result. Six months prior, Davis had mentioned this idea in his farewell speech before the Senate. Davis had also made it a point to state that Black Americans did not have any rights.Davis did not speak to either the nation or Davis on July 4, 1861. He was not interested in history. He may also have found the Declaration unsettling for other reasons. Just as it appeared that Tennessee would join the Confederacy's ranks, the eastern portion of the state issued its Declaration of Independence to ensure that it could continue in the Union. West Virginia was also leaving Virginia to ensure it wouldn't have to leave the United States. Davis could be made president by defending the right to secession.Lincoln had a remarkable and extensive understanding of the document. All Americans were entitled to its freedoms, even immigrants. He expected that these freedoms would grow stronger and reach other people in the fullness of the future, which he called "us".Lincoln understood the power of the day, so on July 4, members of Congress returned to the Capitol for the special session. It was hot and humid. A New York diarist was complaining about the crowd, heat, bad food, bad quarters, mosquitoes, and other unpleasant conditions. However, Americans were returning to the Capitol in a peaceful manner.Lincoln spent weeks crafting a message that reaffirmed the nation's highest truths. It was written in the manner that a Fourth of July speech should. He claimed that war was in fact a contest between peoples and reminded Americans that democracy requires trust in others to function. It would be a complete end to democracy if discontented people attacked the government each time they lost an electoral vote, using false sophisms and other methods of drugging the public's mind. There can be no appeal to bullets after a ballot has been voted on constitutionally and fairly.The members of Congress were often stunned when a clerk read the document and broke into applause.Others spoke and wrote about America's meaning on that day. Southern newspapers tried to claim they were the true heirs to the Revolution. But it was difficult to argue freedoms in the same newspapers that advertised for a thousand free slaves (as this New Orleans paper did on July 4th) or that reported on a double-lynching (as this Memphis newspaper did on July 4th).Following Lincoln's message was received by Congress, it held an internal election for a new speaker and doorkeeper, sergeant at-arms, chaplain, and other important positions that allow the people to move forward. Although there were many disagreements and speeches, all were settled by the end. It would have been difficult for us to find a fitting tribute to America's idea.It also had new flooring and desks that were repainted. The frescoes were also cleaned up after being damaged by vandals. According to a newspaper, the building is now substantial and comfortable again.Lincoln left the White House in the afternoon and climbed the steps leading to the Pennsylvania Avenue review stand. He stood there as thousands of New York soldiers marched by, wearing their colors. Then he raised a flag to the top of a tall flagpole. According to a newspaper, flags were everywhere in Washington. They could be seen all over the city, and he held a flag up to the top of a tall flagpole.One regiment, Garibaldi Guards was full of immigrants. Later in the day Lincoln would visit a regiment commanded from Germany by a Jewish colonel. He laughed when the soldiers asked him to give a speech.He had already spoken volumes with his message to Congress and his belief in the Declaration. Although the real fighting was not yet underway, Lincoln won the day and began to win. Despite all our divisions, today we are able to celebrate one country, thanks to an important Fourth of July 160 years ago.