Phylicia Rashad has finally changed her mind about her Bill Cosby sentiments this week, issuing a formal apology for Howard U students...and deleting the tweet in dispute.Friday's letter from the former actress, who is now the Dean of the Fine Arts College at HBCU, to Howard U students stated that she was sorry for her controversial comment. This in the wake Cosby being freed and his conviction overturned.Phylicia Rashad sent an apology letter for her Bill Cosby tweet to Howard University students.She said she would like to take part in trainings to be a stronger ally for survivors pic.twitter.com/sF7fl7m8FW Phillip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_ July 2, 2021 @Phil_Lewis_The letter has been circulated online and Phylicia wrote, in part: "This week I tweeted a comment that caused so much pain in so many people -- both broadly speaking and within the Howard community." I am sorry. Since then, I have removed the offensive tweet."She continues: "My comments were not directed at survivors of sexual assault." I strongly oppose the use of sexual violence and find no excuse for it. Howard University also has a zero tolerance policy towards interpersonal violence.PR stated that she will undergo training to strengthen HU protocol as it relates all this. She also asked for forgiveness from the HU community, promising to listen and learn so she can be a better ally to survivors of sexual assault and anyone else who has been victim to abuse.You will recall that Phylicia was thrilled to hear the Cosby case had been thrown out. She initially wrote... "FINALLY!!! "FINALLY! Her comment drew immediate criticism. She later claimed that her tweet was not directed at survivors of sexual assault, but she continued to post the Cosby tweet, which didn't fit. Even though HU had formally warned her, she left the tweet.I support all survivors of sexual assault who come forward. I did not intend to offend anyone by sharing my post. Friends and family have shared with me that abuse can leave lasting effects. My deepest wish is for healing. Phylicia Rashad, @PhyliciaRashad June 30, 2021 @PhyliciaRashadIt looks like someone higher up has finally spoken the truth to her. She said that you cannot openly support Cosby while also supporting survivors of sexual assault. Pick one.