Insects can scale vertical walls and hang from the ceiling. Scientists at the University of Berkeley have taken inspiration from this group of animals in order to create a tiny, agile robot.Although the engineers had already created a small robot that could move at speeds of up to 20 body lengths per seconds or 1.5 mph, they wanted it to be more agile. They looked at the footpads for climbing animals to create a similar system. This is an electrostatic effect that occurs when two surfaces are exposed to an electric field. It allows the robots to climb difficult obstacles.The system also makes the robot easier to maneuver. The robot is made from layers of a material which bends under an electric field. Two footpads that respond to the voltage are added to allow the robot to rotate quickly around the un-stuck leg. The robot can turn extremely fast, emulating the abilities of an insect.Although our original robot could move extremely fast, we couldn't control its direction. It would also veer to one end if it was not symmetrical. This was according to Liwei Lin, a professor in mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley. The major innovation in this research was the addition of footpads that allow the robot to turn very quickly.The video below shows the robot running through a Lego maze.Robots can also make rapid adjustments to their paths using footpads, in a manner similar to a cheetah.Robots such as this one could eventually be used to enter dangerous environments, like search and rescue areas or investigating gas leaks. The robot is small enough to withstand significant crushing forces. Researchers claim that the robot's design could withstand being stepped upon by a 120-pound human.Lin stated that one of the greatest challenges in today's robotics industry is the creation of smaller-scale robots that can maintain the power and control of larger robots. You can add a large battery and a control panel to larger robots. The robot will move slower if you reduce the size of the elements. Our robot is fast and strong and needs very little power. It can carry electronics and sensors while also having a battery.Editors' Recommendations