Photo by romakoma (Shutterstock)A fence is a great way to mark your property line, give you privacy and stop small dogs or humans from running onto the street. If you don't like the look of a standard white picket fence, shrubbery or trees can be a better alternative. You can add ornamental trees and shrubs to an existing fence for privacy and greenery. For those who don't have children or pets, the shrub-only option is available.AdvertisementHow to plant trees for a natural fenceWhen it comes to privacy fences, full-grown trees provide the best coverage. The most popular tree fences are those made from evergreen trees. These trees can provide cover all year round, require little maintenance and can reach 20-60 feet in height when fully grown depending on what type.American Pillar Arborvitae and Thuja Green Giant are evergreen trees that grow quickly and can withstand direct and indirect sun. They are also resistant to deer attacks. They can be purchased at one to two feet in height and will grow to three to four feet per year. You will start with a privacy fence that is about waist high and grow to a fully functional fence within two to three years. A bundle of 10 one-to-two-foot trees will cost you about $170 to $180. Five-foot trees are $150 each if you want privacy and have the funds. Garden Goods suggests planting four feet apart in a zigzag pattern for maximum privacy.Bamboo is another tree-like plant which provides privacy and fast growth. Bamboos are a member of the grass family but their height and appearance resemble trees. When grouped together, the stalks form a stick wall of leaves with lush coverage. Bamboo is resilient and can grow in hot or cold climates. It is also fast-growing. The average height of a tropical bamboo plant is 40m (about 113ft). This tree is great to be paired with a traditional fence. It gives you a feeling of zen and provides safety and privacy for your pets.Bamboo Sourcery, a nursery and garden site, recommends planting areas at least 2 feet in width. They also advise that planter boxes work best in narrower spaces. Growing a Greener World recommends clumping bamboo (sympodial, pachymorph) for those who are looking to find the right kind of bamboo. These bamboo trees have short roots and can grow up to three to ten feet when fully mature. This bamboo tree is easier to care for than running bamboo (momopodial and leptomorph), as they tend to grow quickly and can reach roots up to 18 inches in depth. Depending on how much coverage you require, bamboo can range in price from $22 to $88 per container.How to plant shrubs to create privacyShrubs, another organic fencing option, offer privacy and partial coverage. Shrubs can reach up to 13 feet in height, while trees can grow up 20 feet. A shrub can also bring a new look to your garden, producing flowers and berries that add a garden-like feel.AdvertisementBlue princess holly can create privacy up to 15 feet, but with proper pruning they can be kept as short as you wish. These deep green leaves produce small clusters red berries. They add a festive feel to your garden, and can also be used as an accent color for your organic fence. These plants are extremely hardy and can survive in all types of soil. They also thrive in cold or hot weather. This plant is slow to grow so it may take some time for privacy goals to be achieved. The price of these bushes is about $25 per plant, or less if you buy them in a bunch.Euonymus shrubs are available in a variety of sizes and colors. This allows you to personalize the appearance of your fence. The euonymus alatus, also known as the burning shrub, is made up of long, thin sticks with fiery-red leaves. The most popular euonymus species is the golden euonymus shrub. It has leathery green and yellow foliage that will provide privacy in your yard. The golden euonymus can reach up to 10 feet in height and 6 feet in width. You can shape the bush to your liking with good pruning.AdvertisementThe small, greenish-white flowers of the golden euonymus bloom in spring. They are also evergreens so they can withstand any weather. When they are fully grown, they will need to be watered one to two times per week. These bright bushes will be healthy with low-dose fertilizer in spring and again in fall. Depending on the size of the organic fence, it can cost anywhere from $21 up to just below $70.