In previous articles, where your participation was both requested and also humorous, I didn't give you the answers to the questions I had posed. This article is therefore the twenty-first in a series of articles to do that together with links to the articles previously mentioned.Answers to Past Articles: Part 20: Signs, Carolinas Versus West Virginia and Ripped Roof of TruckThe links are embedded in both the titles and sections of each section; please click on each link to go to the original article. This edition is entirely composed of photos that were submitted by readers of The Gate.The Favorite Answer is usually the correct answer from a reader of The Gate, along with a Favorite Comments from the same article that I found funny or informative.The Enterprise rental truck photos that are featured in this article were taken more than 4.5 years ago at The Gate. However, I thought they would be suitable for this article because they are memorable.You can see that the roof has been partially removed from the truck.Answer by derek: There is nothing wrong with the photo. The driver is what is wrong. She drove underneath a place with low clearance and tore off part of the roof.Because too often, we use he without knowing which gender our individual self is identifying as, I use she.Tony Stark's favorite comment: It is important that the truck's height be reversed so that drivers can see it clearly in a mirror.Matthew Cohen was driving along a rural road in North Mississippi when he saw some signs and pulled over to take photos. Although they don't initially appear to accurately depict the warnings, the signs were clear.This is another view of the photo:Favorite comment and answer by derek The second sign should be placed after the driveway to your right.As I was walking through the park in May, I was taken by surprise. I was sitting behind a statue on the square in the middle of town while I took a long stroll on a beautiful spring day. I noticed something so I took some photographs.Answer by derek: The photo is too dark, especially the coat's underside. Is the stool hanging from the man, but his trousers are on?CHRIS' Favorite Comment: The statue isn't yet peacefully overthrown.In fact, the New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia is the photograph used in the advertisement for visiting the Carolinas.West Virginia is not part of the Carolinas, according to my last check. It doesn't even touch South Carolina or North Carolina.Favorite answer from derek: The message doesn't match the photo. They could have taken a photo of Big Ben in London.The bridge is shown in Fayetteville's New River Gorge Bridge. This photo is not of Mile High Bridge, North Carolina. It is a famous bridge in the Carolinas.Favorite comment from derek I just answered, and was going to check out other The Gate articles at the time that this other article. My answer is not rare in imagery analysis, or it might not be with others who may have seen the other article first.My first thing that caught my eye was the illuminated sign for an Italian restaurant. It tries to persuade visitors to eat chicken, at least.The Gate readers can find out other issues that may be associated with the photograph.Jim F.'s favorite answer: Pizza, subs salads and chicken (? At a Taste of Italy restaurant, the most prominent sign (electrical) misspells CHIKEN. Talk about confusing. This place is at least closed MondaysBill G.'s favorite comment: They are hiring. It's amazing how much they pay for a salad.Access to past articles in the What is Wrong with This Photograph? section. SeriesThe complete list of all past articles from the What is Wrong with This Photograph? series can be viewed here. This article series also contains articles that provide the answers. The list will continue to be updated as new articles are added to The Gate. This is done to ensure future articles are not burdened with long lists of links, especially when reading or viewing them on a portable electronic device.We hope this will be a positive step in the direction of The Gate reading on mobile electronic devices. We value your constructive feedback as readers of The Gate.SummaryFor this feature at The Gate, you are welcome to submit your own photographs. If you would like to be given credit for your photography, let me know. Also, what is the photo? When and where was it taken. Your photograph will be featured in an article at The Gate if it is chosen.Continue to submit your photos!All photos 2016, 2020, 2021, and 2021 are by Matthew Cohen and Brian Cohen, unless otherwise noted.This is what you can do: ShareLinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterestEmail