Donald Trump gestures during his arrival at a "Make America Great Again” campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 1, 2019. (Photo taken by SAUL LOEB / AFP). (Photo taken by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images). AFP via Getty ImagesCNN correspondent Donie Sullivan has had many memorable encounters with die-hard Trump supporters. But the rude response OSullivan received from an Ohio man last Saturday has sparked a viral video and a charity t shirt campaign in OSullivan's native Ireland.OSullivan tweeted the message it's the friends we make along the way. The CNNer said to a man smoking in a red MAGA hat, "Whats your name sir?" OSullivan continues and then pauses. That's right. Are you from Ohio?The video was viewed over 2.3 million times as of Saturday afternoon. Adrian Barry quickly made a t-shirt based on OSullivan's moment of magic in Ireland and sold it. All proceeds go to charity.The front of the yellow t-shirts features Trump's face and his my name Is Answer emblazoned across it. The back of the shirt has the words "Are you from Ohio?"As millions of other people, I also watched Donie's conversation with Barry, an Ohio Trump supporter. Barry explained to IrishCentral that Barry was a charming man. The unflinching response by Donie was what stunned me. I've been in broadcasting for over 20 years, and very few people would have the nerve to respond to Donie's passively furious answer to a simple question. Barry described his calm under pressure as "a small glimpse into why this guy is operating at his best for one of the most prominent news outlets on planet."The proceeds from the sale of these t-shirts will go to the Muslim Sisters of Eire charity, which is based in Dublin.One of the many who responded to OSullivan's original video was Irelands Embassy in America. It tweeted from its official account. Yeats said, "There are no strangers here Donie. There are only friends you havent yet met."