PixabayLeaked draft of a report by top climate scientists blaming lobbyists for spreading misinformation about climate changePolitico reported that the report stated that disinformation is slowing down efforts to reduce emissions.Exxon officials were previously captured talking to camera about their lobbying strategy.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.Politico obtained a draft report that revealed top climate scientists blamed disinformation campaigns and lobbying campaigns, including those of Exxon Mobile, for slowing down efforts in curbing emissions.This report is part of an upcoming review on climate science by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It has a section called "resistance climate change science" in its North American section.Reporters blamed think tanks and foundations that represent fossil fuel companies for spreading false science. This misleads people and hinders efforts to reduce the climate crisis.The report stated that rhetoric on climate change and the denial of science had contributed to misperceptions about the scientific consensus, uncertainty and unduly discounted risks and urgency and, most importantly polarized public support, which delayed mitigation and adaptation action in particular the US.After Unearthed, a Greenpeace investigation team, released videos that showed an Exxon Mobil employee who was tricked into believing he was speaking candidly about lobbying strategies.Exxon's senior vice president for federal affairs Keith McCoy spoke out about the "shadow groups" that influence senators to compromise President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill.McCoy boasted to McCoy, "Joe Manchin. I talk to his offices every week." McCoy called the Democratic senator from West Virginia a kingmaker and talked about how the Democrats look for moderates in order to prevent policies that could harm the company's bottom line.Continue the storyExxon Mobil CEO and Chairman Darren Woods issued a statement saying: "We condemn these statements and are deeply apologetic. This includes comments about interactions with elected officials.Rep. Ro Khanna is the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee's environment subcommittee. He told Politico that he has spoken with government leaders about subpoenaing fossil fuel company leaders about disinformation efforts.Khanna stated that he and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse would write laws to force these companies to disclose how much money they are giving to groups that manipulate climate information.It is a serious problem. Khanna explained to Politico that one reason we haven’t taken action is because we don’t have a common source for facts. "Until we resolve the climate disinformation problem or at least mitigate it, it is very difficult to build the broad-based political consensus needed to take bold steps to address the crisis."Insider reached out to Exxon to get their comments.Business Insider has the original article.