Conservation adviser Nicols Lagos arrives at a fencepost that protrudes like a needle out of the grassland. He assembles an LED device to sit atop the pillar, and at nightfall emits a strange multicoloured display across Patagonian Valley below. They emit random 360-degree patterns that can be seen from miles away. They are also known as Foxlights and mimic human torch movement.Foxlights emit multiple-colored lights that have been proven to repel pumas from southern Chile. Photograph by Nicolas Lagos/PantheraThe LEDs are only one aspect of the efforts to diffuse polarizing conflict over big cats. Lagos, who is working at the Estancia Cerro Guido's 100-hectare Estancia Cerro Guido, said that success in deterring ranchers from killing pumas is not enough. We hope to change attitudes with our solid results.A different type of deterrent, the maremma dogs, is also being tested alongside the Foxlights.Maremmas are highly skilled sheepdogs. They are innate caregivers and at 45kg have fluffy white coats that match the size and appearance of their woollen wards. They are raised among sheep herds and form a protective bond with their ancestors. They have been deterring wolves in Italy for centuries. They are now effective in protecting sheep from pumas, who are ambush predators that flee when they are exposed. They are nomad and will follow the herd wherever they go.Estancia Cerro Guido witnessed a 30% decrease in sheep slaughters after introducing maremmas to 2017 Since February, seven Foxlights have also been successful in introducing maremmas.Foxlights are self-charging with solar panels. They were created thousands of miles from home by Ian Whalan, an Australian farmer who invented them to deter foxes. They are now being used in Chile by Omar Ohrens (a conservation scientist at Panthera in New York), who successfully tested them in northern Chile to help indigenous Aymara shepherds save llamas, alpacas and llamas.This area has been home to livestock farming for over 150 years. It is a tradition in this region to kill pumas Omar Ohrens. Panthera conservation scientist.However, evidence is being sought to convince others that non-lethal deterrents are available in Chiles Magallanes, where Pumas have been hunted since almost 150 years after the introduction of sheep.Panthera and the estancia have continued to investigate the use of Foxlights and maremma dog Foxlights in adhoc situations. In March, they launched a four-year experiment that will collect data from a controlled section of ranch measuring 5,000 hectares. Already, four maremmas have been at work and, in October, when the sheep head to the summer fields for the winter, 20 monitored Foxlights will be introduced. Camera traps and GPS collars will be used to record the behaviour and frequency of pumas.Lagos says that sheep farming is a lucrative business. Our data must be accurate as numbers are everything.Maremmas are highly skilled sheepdogs that resemble their wards. Photograph by Nicolas Lagos/PantheraPia Vergara, project director, has been photographing pumas in Patagonia for 18 years. The Torres del Paine area and its surrounding areas are the best places to view them. She believes the project can help restore ecological equilibrium in Magallanes. She says that the non-lethal measures have led local people to return to their natural food sources, such as guanacos and rheas. This is good for the ecosystem.Ohrens conducted a study and 45 ranchers were interviewed. They said that pumas caused a significant 19% increase in sheep losses each year. It was only 0.5% of the holdings losses, however, according to co-investigators. Vergara says that perceptions and reality are not in line. We want to see the truth.The coexistence of the two communities was first envisaged in 2013. The Simunovic and Matetic families, owners of the estancias, saw a rising demand for puma tourism. They wanted to combine it and livestock farming, and align with conservation efforts which have increased in Chile since the early 2000s.The Pumas, also known by many other names, can be found across nearly every latitude in the Americas. They are Chile's most important predator and play an important role in biodiversity, ecological resilience, and the IUCN red list.Ohrens says it is difficult to find reliable numbers for such a mysterious cat. IUCNs estimates only the global population, but do not account for any local threats.Since the 1980s, Chile has protected pumas. However, they are still being hunted by leoneros (lionmen) and Patagonian dogs on farmlands around Torres del Paine. Although there are no official estimates of how many pumas are killed each year, clandestine hunts continue. Ohrens says that the pumas are a traditional part of this area, which has been home to livestock farming for over 150 years. Leoneros are a highly revered species and some consider it a source of income.Since the 1980s, Chile has protected pumas. However, they are still being hunted on Patagonia farmlands. Photograph by Danielle Garbouchian/PantheraOhrens study shows that Chile's tourism drive has changed the attitude of local ranchers towards pumas. His team compared interviews with ranchers before and after the tourist boom, which occurred between 2005 and 2018. They found that most now recognize the puma's importance to Patagonian heritage.High-end tourism offers lucrative opportunities for people who offer high-end packages that include guides and gear. Some ranches have even switched completely to these ventures. Many people still prefer to use ancestral methods and are reluctant to change.One idea was to share the revenue from pumatourism to compensate farmers who lose sheep due to predators. Ohrens says that the evidence shows that financial incentives don't change people's attitudes. It is difficult to convince different groups to share revenue, as everything must be tested.Working examples of what is possible can be used as an incentive to other ranchers. This could eventually become a social norm. This is when things really start to change.For the most up-to-date news, follow Phoebe Weston or Patrick Greenfield as biodiversity reporters on Twitter.