This summer, you could save a child from drowning. Here's how.Click to enlarge the image toggle caption Imgorthand/Getty Images Imgorthand/Getty ImagesLet me tell you about one of the most important lessons that I learned in my training to be a doctor. Anyone can drown or lose a loved ones to drowning.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 3900 Americans die each year from accidental drowning. One in five children under 14 years old is affected by this. Five children are required emergency care in the event of a pediatric death. These non-fatal drownings can cause irreversible organ damage.After a drowning accident, every patient and family member I have cared for said that they didn't believe it could happen. It happens. And yet, there are the cruel "if-onlys" that haunt even the most well-intentioned and cautious people: "If I had done something different or known what to do." This is a common refrain, especially among those who have lost a child.Research shows that drownings are most often caused by children being watched over by adults. As we heat up the summer of vacations and post-vaccination reunions, keep in mind how susceptible children are to drowning in water. For example, the rate of non-fatal drownings at Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital, Orlando was twice as high in May than it was over the past three years.A few life-saving details can be overlooked when you are merely focusing on water safety. These are the essential steps to keep your young swimmers safe this summer.Use the "arm's length" ruleAlthough it may seem commonsense to keep children near water bodies or pools, it is important to understand what safety experts consider adequate supervision to prevent drowning.American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that parents who supervise children of any age, who aren't strong swimmers, should keep their arms at arm's length when they are in the water. This is called "touch supervision".Andrew Schmidt, a University of Florida Health-Jacksonville lifeguard and ER doctor, is an expert on water safety and a lifeguard. He notes that the definition of a strong swimmer is subjective. This has lead to tragic accidents.Schmidt cites the American Red Cross definition of a "water-competent" swimmer, which is a leader in water safety education. The Red Cross guidelines state that someone is water-competent when they can swim in water above their heads.After being submerged, swim to the surface and then float or tread water for at most one minute.Continue swimming in a complete circle until you find an exit. Swim about 25 yards to the exit.If they are in a pool, get out of the water by themselves.This is a great way to judge kids' vulnerability in water. However, adults need to be vigilant. Dr. Terri McFadden is a professor at Emory University's School of Medicine, and the medical director of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids Atlanta.Water safety supervision is a job.McFadden calls water supervision appropriate an "intense job" and reminds parents to be alert, even if their child is a competent swimmer.She says it's unsafe to have older children, teens, or weak swimmers as chaperones. If you are the adult responsible, it is dangerous to do anything that takes your eyes off the water for even a second. When children are playing in the water, it is dangerous to read, use your phone in any capacity, do household chores, or socialize with your bluetooth speaker. In the time it takes a caregiver to get inside to dry the clothes, or to do dishes from the kitchen window, drownings have occurred. There is no way to keep children safe around water. Not in seconds or minutes.Mcfadden is one of many experts in child safety. He recommends that an adult "watcher" be assigned to the waterfront or pool. This watcher should be able to focus for only a short time (between 15 and 30 minutes). Then, switch to another watcher. There may be a dozen adults around, but if one person is not there to watch the youngsters swim 100% of the time, it doesn't matter.It's not safe to rely solely on lifeguards. Although they are trained to quickly respond to emergencies, they can become distracted by the noises and people jumping in and out of water.When you are the adult in charge, stay soberA well-documented increase in alcohol consumption has been observed during the pandemic. This can be combined with an increase in warm weather and waterside celebrations, which can lead to a drowning accident.Alcohol can make it harder to swim and help someone else to safety.This is not about drinking; your cognitive abilities and reflexes may slow down after a few drinks. It's worth it to think about what could have happened if alcohol wasn't involved. This is something that I witnessed firsthand with some families of drowning victims.It is best to designate one sober adult to be the watcher, for between 15 and 30 minutes, while kids are near or in the water. Adults who are "sober" agree not to use alcohol, marijuana, or any allergy medicine or prescription drugs that could cause drowsiness.You should use the best life jacket you can afford, but not rely solely on it.Life jackets provide additional protection from drowning and are required by most states for children to be worn on boats, regardless of how strong they swim.Experts in water safety and drowning recommend that children only wear life vests and jackets that have been approved by the US Coast Guard. This includes many brands. It will also be printed on the jacket or clearly marked on the tag.Pay attention to the information printed on the label. It will indicate if the vest is not for non-swimmers or weak swimmers. The vest's weight range will also be listed. You want it to fit snugly. Wearing a loose vest can make you feel like you're not wearing one.Schmidt warns parents not to rely on unregulated flotation devices such as arm floaties, swimsuits that have built-in floats, or neck rings. He says they can be cute but may provide distracted supervision a false sense safety.Do not let shallow water fool youWhen we talk about drowning, the risk to children is not equal to the depth of water. If they are unable to lift themselves up, small children can drown in bathtubs, baby pools or household water buckets. These places require adult supervision.Be aware that child gates, locks, and other safety precautions are just an additional layer of safety. If you've ever seen children use an iPhone, you'll know they're smarter than we realize. No matter what physical safety precautions, most people can still find a way to get around these barriers and into the water.Know what distress or drowning looks likeParents and caregivers are often shocked to learn that drowning can appear like something you wouldn't expect. This is why 100% visual and/or tactile supervision is required to spot the signs. Although it may seem like a sign that a child is in trouble, the splashing, screaming, and general chaos you see in movies can be a warning sign.Be on the lookout to spot subtle and swift changes in children's behavior. For example, a child lying face down in the water, swimming straight forward, but with no head movement; a lowered or tilted head or hair covering the eyes or eyes; fearful or depressing looks in the child's eyes; a constant gaze towards shore or an exit/ladder. Without close visual observation, a child who jumps or dives into water without coming up quickly can be overlooked.Any swimmer, regardless of their skill level, might require your assistance. It can sometimes take all our senses on high alert to spot a drowning in process.Even very young children can take part in swim classes. Register your child as soon as possibleAccording to the AAP, swimming lessons can be beneficial for many 1-year-old babies. Different children develop at different times, so make sure to check with your doctor before you start.Swim classes are not just for children or beginners. Anyone can benefit from them. Even if your basic skills are good, swimming instruction can help you improve and make you safer in the water. Instructors can teach you safety techniques like how to jump in the water safely, how to escape from an ocean's undertow or riptide, and how to save others drowning without putting your life at risk.Classes can be found through local health departments, community pools, or regional chapters or the American Red Cross or YMCA. Some nonprofits also offer scholarships so there is no reason to worry about cost. These same groups can also help you locate CPR classes. This is an essential skill for chaperones as well as adults, regardless of whether water is available.Although it is impossible to control the environment where water and children mix, we do know that drowning prevention is possible with sharp-eyed adult supervision. It's not possible for parents to save their children's lives if they aren't there.Dr. Kristen Kendrick, a Washington, D.C.-based family physician, is also a media fellow at NPR, Georgetown University School of Medicine, and a board-certified family doctor.