Although state health officials have been conducting informal outreach and focus groups to alleviate pastors' concerns about vaccination, there is still much to be done. Many pastors claim they have lost congregation members to conflicts over coronavirus restrictions, and are afraid of further defection if they promote vaccinations. Others claimed that their congregations are so opposed to the vaccine, it is not worth discussing it.Nathan White, a pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in Skipwith (Va.), a small community near the North Carolina border, stated that if I tried to push it, it would be futile.POLITICO interviewed pastors in Virginia and Tennessee. They are mostly located in predominantly white communities. While some pastors in rural areas are more conservative, others in suburban areas have more liberal churches. Although all pastors had been vaccinated, not all were willing to talk about it with their congregations.According to polls, white evangelicals have been consistently the most opposed to vaccination. A Kaiser Family Foundation survey in June found that 22 per cent of white evangelicals would not receive the vaccine. This figure has barely changed since April. Around 11 percent stated they would wait to see how the vaccines work.Before a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the NIH, testifies about budget estimates for National Institute of Health. Sarah Silbiger/Pool via APFrancis Collins, a Christian devout who used his ties with the faith community during the pandemic to promote public health, expressed regret that pastors faced such a negative response from the congregation.Collins stated in an interview that it was heartbreaking that this has happened over something potentially lifesaving, but that political views and conspiracies have made it impossible to have simple loving conversations with your flock. This is a sad diagnosis for the disease that affects our country. I'm not talking about Covid-19. I am referring to polarization and tribalism within the loving community of a Christian Church.Biden administration officials often spoke up about the potential role of faith leaders in the vaccine effort. An administration official stated that the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships hosts a Thursday call with faith leaders from all over the country, offering advice and sharing resources to encourage people to get vaccinated. Collins and Franklin Graham, an evangelical leader, have praised the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccinations. Biden also spoke up about vaccination during his Easter message as well as the National Day of Prayer.Faith leaders have been a crucial part of the vaccination effort since the beginning of this administration, according to Josh Dickson, a senior adviser on faith engagement at White House. They are trusted voices in the community and continue to be important partners in our efforts to reach people from all backgrounds and geographic locations about the safety and efficacy vaccines.Graham is not the only prominent evangelical leader who has advocated vaccination. Robert Jeffress, who called vaccines a gift of God, hosted a vaccination clinic in his megachurch First Baptist Dallas, which has 14,000 members. There are prominent examples of pastors warning worshippers against getting vaccinated.POLITICO was told by some leaders of faith that Covid vaccines had become the latest political rift in the country's growing political divide.People who once believed they could at most try to reconcile the political differences within their congregations now believe it is nearly impossible, according to Dan Bagby, an emeritus professor in pastoral care at Baptist Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va.In focus groups Danny Avula, Virginia's vaccine coordinator, has tried to convince evangelical pastors to take a more active role promoting vaccinations. The state provides content that can be integrated into church newsletters. It also offers testimonials that faith leaders may share. They also hold virtual town halls for pastors. Avula stated that these efforts are slow-going.He said that people are asking the question: What is our role in this? This is a position the church should adopt in light of the politicization.Tony Brooks, a field strategist for the Baptist General Association of Virginia said that he had repeatedly encouraged pastors in northern Virginia meet with Avula, but there were almost no responders.He said that most are still sceptical about all the criticisms they have been subject to over the past 15 months, from both Covid guidelines members.Some faith leaders have promoted Covid vaccines, it is certain. Bill Christian, spokesperson for Tennessee's health department, stated that the state Office of Faith Based and Community Engagement meets with religious leaders and attempts to answer questions.Christian shared his email with Christian, stating that the feedback was overwhelming positive and led to several hundred small-scale pop-up vaccination events in vulnerable and minority communities.Black churches have a long history in activism. Many pastors from the South have enthusiastically spoken out about the vaccine. According to KFF polling, black adults are among the least likely not to get vaccinated.Albert Mosley, Senior Vice President at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Memphis, Tenn., stated that we have not faced the same resistance from the clergy. The staff of the health systems has provided advice to pastors about how to handle misinformation and side effects of vaccines. Mosley explained that this is part of the overall role Black clergy consider themselves to be playing.Listen to the service as it is delivered by church members. Nam Y. Huh/AP PhotoPastors who have encouraged their congregations to get vaccinated say they've tried to not be judgmental or hostile when confronted with misinformation. They acknowledged that many congregants feel particularly hurt by the pandemic.Ricky Floyd, a pastor, hosted a vaccination clinic at the Pursuit of God in April. This large, predominantly Black church is located in Frayser in Tenn. Floyd said that he lost many congregants due to disagreements about reopening and masks.Covid's actions have done more to the church than any other thing I have seen, even sex scandals.Floyd stated that he hesitated at first to endorse Covid vaccines as he felt the city and state officials were not doing enough to make them available to his community. The area had been severely affected by the virus. He said that he now promotes vaccines more aggressively, but that resistance has increased among his congregants.He said that the vaccine wasn't made available to everyone because of the high demand. We missed the chance to convict, convert and convince people.Josh Hayden, a pastor from Ashland, Va. decided to host vaccination clinics at his church this spring despite concerns about how they would be received. He said that many of his peers were emotionally exhausted after having had intense conversations about race and the coronavirus.He said that they are tired of trying to solve complicated problems and are exhausted. Every word and action can frustrate someone.