Promising review: "Does your dog smell like bread dough?" Or Fritos? Are their ears really bad? Do they lick their feet often? Do they bite their backs, hips, and hind ends? Do they lick their stomachs often? Do you notice small, scablike marks in their undercarriage. Are there brown spots on their skins? Are you a redhead? Oder, the worst, a skin darkening that rubs off? This spray can provide immediate relief for dogs with yeast problems. Most yeast problems are diagnosed by a doctor based on their smell. So save your vet bills and give this a try! It is not possible to get rid of yeast problems by simply giving your dog a bath. To effectively manage it, you will need to use a medicated shampoo/spray like this. This must be used for at least three to four months. It seems like a lot, but it is not. Although veterinarians can diagnose yeast infections by scraping the skin and inspecting them under a microscope with a magnifying glass, most dogs will be diagnosed by simply smelling the affected area. Most pet owners don't know that yeast infections can be fatal in dogs. I didn't know this, even though I have had dogs for over 15 years. This spray has the same strength as a veterinarian's, but it is much cheaper. This spray is highly recommended for dogs suffering from yeast and fungal infections. I will update this post with as many photos and symptoms as possible as soon as I have the chance. Although I didn't take many photos when I first started to treat the dogs, and I stopped taking them when they became more serious, I am always willing to assist pet owners in this terrible, terrible condition. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. It's better for others to get their pets treated correctly the first time, and at a fraction of what it costs to go to the vet. AmazoncustomerAmazon has it for just $17.95