SubscribeGoogle PodcastsStitcherPodcast TranscriptThe saddest thing about the modern world today is that more people believe the Earth is flat today than 20 years ago. This is despite all the technology available and all the information at our disposal.Although most people don't believe in this idea, they haven't really thought about it. They are aware that the Earth is circular, but can't explain why.I am here to help.This episode of Everything Everywhere Daily explains 10 reasons why the Earth is a globe.-For the record, let me say that I and the Everything Everywhere podcast believe that the Earth is an oblate spheroid. It is technically an oblate-spheroid. But you know what I mean.This podcast is not for those who believe the Earth is flat.However, almost everyone can accept the Earth as a sphere. But, it is important to know that accepting something is not the same thing as knowing something.People have rarely given much thought to the possibility of understanding, or even being able to understand, why the Earth isn't flat.I'm here to help, so thank you! You can see evidence that the Earth is a huge ball by looking at it with your eyes.Let's begin with the most obvious, which is time zones.If the Earth were flat, the sun would shine on all of it simultaneously. This is what happens when you place a pizza under a lamp.You will notice that the sun rises or sets at different times depending on your latitude and longitude, no matter where you travel. If the Earth were flat, this would not be possible.Flat Earthers have an answer. The flat Earth people now believe that the sun shines only on certain parts of the Earth at any one time.This creates problems with sunsets. If the sun were a huge track light in the sky it would never sink below the horizon. We have all seen the sun slowly disappear below the horizon.You can't have sunsets and time zones at the same moment and still have a flat earth.The best they can answer is that perspective doesn't really mean what they think it does. Perspective refers to things becoming smaller as they get further away or parallel streets converging at the horizon. No matter what time of year or day it is, the sun is always the same size.Method number two: The moon.Problems with the flat Earth model are caused by the moon, particularly lunar eclipses.The Earth lies between the sun, moon and sun during a lunar eclipse. If both the sun and moon are always visible, this is practically impossible. This could only happen on a flat Earth if the sun was below the Earth's disc. But then we have to deal with the problem of time zones.A lunar eclipse also causes the shadow to curve, almost as if it were a sphere casting a shadow.The moon's illumination cannot be explained if it is simply a huge spotlight in the sky that shines down on Earth.The third method involves constellations.Polaris, the north star, can be seen in the northern hemisphere. The Southern Cross is not visible. It is the exact opposite in Australia.If you were all sitting on a disc and had a dome of lights above your head, you would be able see every point on that dome from any point in the disc.This is not what actually happens. It is impossible to see all stars simultaneously. Different stars can be seen in different hemispheres. We also see different stars at different times of the year.The best flat earth answer to this question that I have heard is that Australia doesn't exist. I am sorry to inform you that Australia doesn't exist.The fourth option is skylines and ships.You can't see a ship leaving port if you don't watch it. As it sails above the horizon, it eventually disappears. It would be the highest part of the ship you can see.This effect can be seen online in many photos and videos.Skyscrapers in cities are no exception to this rule. You can only see the tops if you are far enough away.This effect has been observed by me firsthand. Indiana Dunes National Parks is a great place to see it. You can barely see Chicago's skyscrapers from this spot, which is located in the southernmost region of Lake Michigan.If you'd like to see the image that I took in show notes, I have a link.The same thing applies to the Earth. If it were flat, you would be able see ships from all distances. You should also be able see Mount Everest from any point on Earth. Radio waves and lasers should be able to easily cross oceans, as they travel in a straight line. This is not how the world works.The fifth method involves satellites.If the Earth were flat, there wouldn't be any orbit. An orbit is not even possible for a flat object.However, moving light can be seen in the night sky if it is clear enough. This happens within 10 to 15 minutes. These satellites orbit the Earth. Due to Starlink, there are many more satellites than ever before.You can also get GPS coordinates from any place on Earth. However, this is only possible if the satellite transmits them.You should also know that a satellite TV dish or installation will not work if it isn't pointed at the exact spot in the sky.The sixth method deals with shadows. Although this one is not difficult, it can be a little tedious if you're looking to do it yourself. This experiment actually took place in 240 BC, by Eratosthenes from Cyrene.Eratosthenes was told that there was a well near the city of Aswan in Egypt. On the solstice day, the sun would shine at the bottom of this well at noon. This meant that the sun was directly overhead. Today, we know that this means that the well was directly at the Tropic of Cancer.Eratosthenes measured the shadow cast at Alexandria by a stick simultaneously. He measured the shadow's length and was able to determine the Earth's circumference.You can either replicate the experiment yourself or work with someone you trust and are not involved in the global ball-Earth conspiracy. It doesn't matter if you measure at the exact tropics line. You can do it at other latitudes.The seventh method, which is something everyone has experienced, is that higher elevations allow you to see further.If the Earth were flat, it would be impossible to see further from the top of a mountain. You can see around the Earth's bend the higher you climb. You could draw a straight line from any point on a mountain to any point in the distance if there wasn't a bend.You can see 443 km between two points on Earth's surface. This is between two mountains in the Frech Alps or the French Pyrenees. Two mountaintops would suffice if the Earth were flat.The eighth is something you may have seen, and that is looking out from the window of an aircraft.You can see the curvature from an airplane's window. Because you're not that far away from the surface at 35,000 feet, the curvature of the Earth is quite minor. If you take a picture and then use a photo editing program to draw a straightline, you will see a slight bend. It might be only a few pixels but it is there, depending on what the photo looks like.Evidently, the curvature apparent to the Earth is more prominent the higher you climb.On my wall is a photo from a balloon flight sponsored by National Geographic in 1935. It reached 72,000 feet which was a record. The photo clearly shows the Earth's curve.The ninth option is to fly on planes.No routes for flights would be possible if the Earth were flat. You can fly long distances by following a great circle route. This takes you to places you wouldn't be able to fly if the Earth were flat.A flight from South Africa and Australia, however, would be the longest on a flat Earth. However, it's not even close.Some companies offer flightseeing tours to Antarctica. This is a fact that flat earthers don't believe exists.The next time you fly transcontinentally, take a look at the map on your screen. It will make sense only if you're on a globe.The tenth method, while not a proof per se is an inductive argument. A sphere is any large heavenly body that we can see with a telescope. All spheres include the sun, moon, planets and all other stars.Is it possible that the Earth is the only object in the universe that is flat? And that all laws of physics would not apply here as they would elsewhere?There are many other ways to show that the Earth is a globe than these ten. These are only the things you can see and reason about without having to resort to photographs from space.Beyond the Curve, a documentary about Flat Earth believers, was released in 2018. A group of Flat Earthers participated in a crowdfunding campaign to buy a $20,000 laser-gyroscope to detect Earth's rotation.The Earth would rotate at 15 degrees per hour if it did. This is 360 degrees in 24 hours. This is the proof. This was their big proof that the world was flat.What did the gyroscope reveal? Every hour, a 15-degree rotationThey refused to accept the results of their experiment, and instead turned around to explain them.Although it might seem trivial to prove that the Earth is an sphere, I believe that everyone should be aware of this fact. Keep one or more proof of flat earth in your head at all times.