After Friday's rupture of an underwater oil pipeline, flames rose to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. TwitterAfter an oil pipeline burst early Friday morning, a fire broke out on the Gulf of Mexico.Social media users went wild for videos of the blaze rising up like moltenlava.Democratic lawmakers made fun of those who refused to recognize the climate crisis by using the incident.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.After an underwater oil pipeline broke in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday morning, setting the water surface ablaze, Democratic lawmakers ridiculed climate deniers.According to Petroleos Mexicanos (also known as Pemex), the fire broke out in Ku Maloob Zaap's oil field near the Gulf of Mexico's southern rim. It was extinguished at 10:30 a.m.Social media users went wild for videos of the blaze rising up like moltenlava, and some people referred to it as the "eye of fire", due to its round shape.Senator Brian Schatz from Hawaii, who is a proponent of the fight against climate change, shared the video via Twitter with the caption "bUT CAnWE aFFord ClimaTE" aCtion.Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a champion of legislation to address climate crisis. She also shared video of Gulf of Mexico fire and criticised lawmakers who opposed her Green New Deal proposal.She tweeted, "Shout out all the legislators going on dinner dates with Exxon Lobbyists so that they can say a Green New Deal was too expensive," with a thumbs up emoji.Insider reached Schatz's representative but she did not respond immediately to our request for comment. OcasioCortez spokesperson said that the congresswoman has nothing else to comment.Business Insider has the original article.