This is the information you need to know if Tether is on your radar.Tether is currently the third largest cryptocurrency with a market capital of more than $60 billion. Although it is still far behind Ethereum and Bitcoin, Tether is well ahead of many popular coins like:It is also easy to locate, since you can purchase it on most of top cryptocurrency exchanges and apps.Tether's value is usually $1, which is different from other cryptocurrency. Tether investing is not like investing in any other crypto. This is a complete primer that covers all aspects of Tether.Start your financial journey with a bang. Get access to select products that we use to help us achieve our money goals. These carefully-selected picks may be the answer to your financial woes. You agree to us sending money tips and products and services to your email address. You may unsubscribe at anytime. Please refer to our Privacy Statement and Terms and Conditions.1. Tether is a stablecoin that is tied to the U.S. DollarA stablecoin refers to a cryptocurrency that is tied to another asset. Many stablecoins, such as Tether, can be pegged to the U.S. Dollar. It is intended to have an equal amount, with 1 Tether worth $1.Tether's price is supposed to be the same as the dollar so it's not a cryptocurrency you can buy and hold in the hope that the price will go up.2. You can use it to buy crypto, make money transfers or earn interest.Although Tether is not a good choice for cryptocurrency investments, it can be used in many other ways. These are the top reasons to purchase it:Transferring money to a cryptocurrency exchange: It can take several days. You can purchase Tether to store funds and buy crypto quickly. You can then use your Tether for the purchase.Transferring money from your bank account to a cryptocurrency exchange can take several days. You can purchase Tether to store funds and buy crypto quickly. To make the purchase, you can use your Tether. Tether can be used to transfer money between crypto wallets and exchanges. This could be used to transfer money between exchange accounts or to pay someone else. Transactions between Tether wallets are free of charge, but there are standard blockchain fees.Tether can be used to transfer money between crypto wallets and exchanges. This could be used to transfer funds between your exchange accounts, or to send money overseas. Transactions between Tether wallets are free of charge, but there are standard blockchain fees. Earning interest: You can earn 25% interest by lending your crypto to other crypto exchanges. Tether's value should not fluctuate, which is a benefit. While you can earn interest with most cryptocurrencies, it is possible to lose money if the value of the crypto you are lending drops.3. Tether Limited, the company behind it is controversialAlthough Tether may seem secure because it is a stablecoin it has many drawbacks. Tether Limited, the company that issues it has a poor reputation.Its trustworthiness is a major problem. Tether Limited claimed previously that every Tether was $1 backed. Later, it was revealed that this claim was a fabrication. Tether Limited published information about its reserves in March 2021. It revealed that 2.9% of Tether's assets are backed by cash.Tether Limited was also sued for alleged cover-ups in relation to Bitfinex, a crypto exchange. The same company owns both Tether Limited as Bitfinex. According to the New York Attorney general, Bitfinex lost $850 million and Tether had to drain at least $700 millions from its reserves to compensate.Tether Limited and Bitfinex settled the case by paying $18.5 million in fines. They didn't admit to or deny any wrongdoing.4. Tether could have been used to manipulate Bitcoin's prices, according to some reportsTether critics claim that the stablecoin was used to increase the Bitcoin price. It is important to understand the Tether supply in order to understand how it can do this.Tether Limited retains full control of the Tether supply. Tether Limited is able to release any number of new coins it wishes, unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. According to the company, it creates coins according to how much is needed. We've already covered that the company isn’t transparent.Tether Limited might be able to mint new coins, and then use them to purchase Bitcoin. This would enable the company to acquire Bitcoin using non-existent money, and increase Bitcoin's value.5. The price fluctuated between $1Tether's cost is $1. It has held its value for the most part. There have been times when it was more or less valuable.Supply and demand are the reasons. Tether's price can rise if crypto prices drop and investors are looking to sell volatile coins. This was evident in 2020 when Tether briefly climbed to $1.06. Tether's negative news has caused its price to fall in the past. It had a $0.90 value for a brief time in 2018.Tether Limited is able to adjust the supply in these situations to bring the price back in line. It is important to remember that legally, Tether Limited cannot guarantee that the Tether purchased will be redeemable for $1.Tether is the most widely used stablecoin. Tether has been subject to some issues, so it's worth considering before buying Tether for anything other than a quick transfer.